Moving Squirrels
Match of the May 3 against Orbassano is moved to May 5 in training time (17:00) at the request of the other company. Please
parents to see and do word of mouth.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Brocade Table Linen Rental Ny
Game of the Week Collection of Aphorisms
This post will be updated gradually with afoismi of the week "outgoing" ... this is a way to grow our corporate philosophy and give way to our athletes and to all the readers to find in the words of great thinkers of the past and present food for thought and discussion.
November 19, 2007
"You were not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge "From
nte Alighieri (1265 - 13.9.1321)
November 26, 2007
" I am a privileged, I have always had a very good life. But all I've got the life I have won with commitment and strong desire to achieve my goals, to win in life, not as a pilot. So let me tell you that whoever you are in life, whether you are at the lowest level, or higher, you must have great strength and great determination and you have to deal with anything great love and faith in God and one day you will reach your goals and you will succeed "
Ayrton Senna (21/03/1960 - 01/05/1994)
Formula 1 World Champion in 1988, 1990, 1991
December 3, 2007
"Vince is convinced only those who can do it"
Publio Virgilio Marone (BC 15/10/70 - 21/9/19 BC)
Poet and Philosopher
December 10, 2007
" The biggest mistake in life is to have always afraid to make mistakes "
Elbert Hubbard (06/19/1856 - 05/07/1915)
Philosopher and Writer
December 17, 2007
"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your teammates. "
Effay Earvin" Magic "Johnson, Jr. (14/08/1959 -)
Ex-NBA player, point guard role, Olympic Champion in 1992
December 24, 2007
" The hard work has meant that it was easy. This is my secret. This is why I won." Nadia Elena Comaneci
(12/01/1961 -)
Ex-gymnast, Olympic Champion and 5 times first athlete to achieve a score of 10 (maximum) in his specialty.
January 7, 2008
"The psychophysical preparation is fundamental tool we have for businesses is our body, which is managed by our mind.
Everything in our body needs to function like an orchestra: the elements are to be accorded each . "
Angelo D'Arrigo (04/03/1961 - 03/26/2006)
hang glider, won numerous world titles but also capable of companies such as the crossing of Siberia and the flight over Everest in a hang glider.
January 14, 2008
" path before us is not difficult: the path before us is the difficulty. "
Soren Aabye Kierkgaard (05/05/1813 - 11/11/1855)
January 21, 2008
" Samples are not built in the gym. They build from within, from something they have deep inside: A desire, a dream, a vision. Must have the ability and will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. "
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. (17/1/1942, -)
Campione olimpico e pluricampione del mondo categoria pesi massimi di boxe. Dedicato alla sua vita il film "Alì".
28 Gennaio 2008
" Praticare uno sport non deve basarsi sull'idea del successo, bensì sull'idea di dare il meglio di sé. Lo sport deve insegnare a dare il massimo, a dire : più di così non potevo fare!"
Gabriella Dorio (27/6/1957, -)
Campionessa italiana e olimpica sui 1500m. Detiene tuttora il record italiano negli 800m ottenuto alle Olimpiadi del 1980 a Mosca
4 Febbraio 2008
"Be strong in body, clear in mind, lofty in ideals!"
"Sii forte nel corpo, limpido nei pensieri, maestoso negli ideali!"
James Naismith (6/11/1861 - 28/11/1939)
Inventore della pallacanestro. Nato in Canada ebbe ben 4 lauree (filosofia, religione, educazione fisica e medicina).
11 Febbraio 2008
"Think big... and worry little!"
"Think big ... and a little worried!"
Giovanni Allevi (4/9/1969 -)
musician and composer. Pianist, famous throughout the world, as well as his technique, for the passion and expressiveness of his compositions and his live performances. A positive and successful example of love for music. The soundtrack of his Fiat 500.
February 18, 2008
"I never think that death can sever my drawings, but I do everything as if it were the last of my life."
San Giovanni Bosco (08/16/1815 - 31/01/1888)
Holy priest and teacher. Un sogno profetico gli cambiò la vita e nel 1841 dall'incontro con Bartolomeo Garelli e via via con centinaia di ragazzi nacque e si sviluppò l'idea dell'Oratorio. E' suo il volto il cui profilo è l'emblema del simbolo della nostra società... cerchiamo di onorarlo seguendo il suo esempio!
25 Febbraio 2008
"Trova qualcosa da fare nella vita che ti interessi veramente. Poniti degli obiettivi, perseguili e impegnati per raggiungere l'eccellenza. Fai sempre il meglio che puoi."
Chris Evert (21/12/1954 - )
Tennista. Vinse a 19 anni il Roland Garros, una delle prime giocatrici a usare the two-handed backhand. in the 80s was the President of the Women's International Tennis Association.
March 3, 2008
" I'm the best, it's true. But I think even better. When you think you are perfect means you are finished. "
Valentino Rossi (02/16/1979 -)
Biker. 7 times world champion in different categories of the World Championship!
March 10, 2008
" An athlete must not only be a champion in sport, but also a model of humanity. Always have personal behaviors that encourage and stimulate the good . "
Pope John Paul II (18/05/1920 - 04/02/2005 )
The Pope who had the merit to reconnect young people to the Church and the humility to apologize for past mistakes. An icon of our century who knew the secret of Fatima.
March 17, 2008
"The head count more than physical: at least 90%. Everything comes from will. "
This post will be updated gradually with afoismi of the week "outgoing" ... this is a way to grow our corporate philosophy and give way to our athletes and to all the readers to find in the words of great thinkers of the past and present food for thought and discussion.
November 19, 2007
nte Alighieri (1265 - 13.9.1321)
November 26, 2007
Ayrton Senna (21/03/1960 - 01/05/1994)
Formula 1 World Champion in 1988, 1990, 1991
December 3, 2007
Publio Virgilio Marone (BC 15/10/70 - 21/9/19 BC)
Poet and Philosopher
December 10, 2007
Elbert Hubbard (06/19/1856 - 05/07/1915)
Philosopher and Writer
December 17, 2007
"Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your teammates. "
Effay Earvin" Magic "Johnson, Jr. (14/08/1959 -)
Ex-NBA player, point guard role, Olympic Champion in 1992
December 24, 2007
" The hard work has meant that it was easy. This is my secret. This is why I won." Nadia Elena Comaneci
(12/01/1961 -)
Ex-gymnast, Olympic Champion and 5 times first athlete to achieve a score of 10 (maximum) in his specialty.
January 7, 2008
Everything in our body needs to function like an orchestra: the elements are to be accorded each . "
Angelo D'Arrigo (04/03/1961 - 03/26/2006)
hang glider, won numerous world titles but also capable of companies such as the crossing of Siberia and the flight over Everest in a hang glider.
January 14, 2008
Soren Aabye Kierkgaard (05/05/1813 - 11/11/1855)
January 21, 2008
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. (17/1/1942, -)
Campione olimpico e pluricampione del mondo categoria pesi massimi di boxe. Dedicato alla sua vita il film "Alì".
28 Gennaio 2008
Gabriella Dorio (27/6/1957, -)
Campionessa italiana e olimpica sui 1500m. Detiene tuttora il record italiano negli 800m ottenuto alle Olimpiadi del 1980 a Mosca
4 Febbraio 2008
"Sii forte nel corpo, limpido nei pensieri, maestoso negli ideali!"
James Naismith (6/11/1861 - 28/11/1939)
Inventore della pallacanestro. Nato in Canada ebbe ben 4 lauree (filosofia, religione, educazione fisica e medicina).
11 Febbraio 2008
"Think big ... and a little worried!"
Giovanni Allevi (4/9/1969 -)
musician and composer. Pianist, famous throughout the world, as well as his technique, for the passion and expressiveness of his compositions and his live performances. A positive and successful example of love for music. The soundtrack of his Fiat 500.
February 18, 2008
San Giovanni Bosco (08/16/1815 - 31/01/1888)
Holy priest and teacher. Un sogno profetico gli cambiò la vita e nel 1841 dall'incontro con Bartolomeo Garelli e via via con centinaia di ragazzi nacque e si sviluppò l'idea dell'Oratorio. E' suo il volto il cui profilo è l'emblema del simbolo della nostra società... cerchiamo di onorarlo seguendo il suo esempio!
25 Febbraio 2008
Chris Evert (21/12/1954 - )
Tennista. Vinse a 19 anni il Roland Garros, una delle prime giocatrici a usare the two-handed backhand. in the 80s was the President of the Women's International Tennis Association.
March 3, 2008
Valentino Rossi (02/16/1979 -)
Biker. 7 times world champion in different categories of the World Championship!
March 10, 2008
Pope John Paul II (18/05/1920 - 04/02/2005 )
The Pope who had the merit to reconnect young people to the Church and the humility to apologize for past mistakes. An icon of our century who knew the secret of Fatima.
March 17, 2008
Andrew Howe (05/12/1985 -)
European champion and world vice-champion of long jump. father and American mother of German descent born in Los Angeles, but moved to Italy from small, where it grows and matures as an athlete honoring our national athletics with his performance.
April 1, 2008
"There are many factors to consider and on which you have no control. .. The most important factor but you can control is yourself. "
Eddy Merckx (05/17/1945 -)
cyclist, won 5 times Tour de France and Tour of Italy and Liege-Baston-Liege as well as 3 World Championships.
June 2, 2008
"The win is great, but even more so is friendship."
Emil Zatopek (19/09/1922 - 01/22/2000)
Champion Athletics, won three Olympic gold medals in one edition of the marathon in Helsinki in 1952 respectively, 10.000me 5.000m.
September 17, 2008
Napoleon Bonaparte (15/08/1769 - 05/05/1821)
E 'was a French political and military, and founder of the First French Empire. It was the first artillery officer and then general during the French Revolution. He was also crowned King of Italy in Milan May 26, 1805.
November 12, 2008
"Do not go looking for mistakes, but a remedy."
Henry Ford (07/30/1863 - 04/07/1947)
pioneer era industrial and automobile of which he was one of the founders: the Ford Motor Company
November 19, 2008
"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good that we could get because we are afraid groped for "William Shakespeare
(-/4/1564 - 04/23/1616)
Playwright and actor of the most famous of English literature. Among his most famous writings is "Hamlet.
November 30, 2008
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country "
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (29/05/1917 - 11/22/1963)
E 'was the first President of the U.S. Roman Catholic . He supported racial integration and civil rights, and avoided thanks to his diplomatic skills from the risks of nuclear war with the former USSR.
December 24, 2009
" A basketball team is like the five fingers of one hand, if you can gather them together, then you'll have a fist. This is how I want you to play "
Mike Krzyzewski (02/13/1947 -)
basketball Coach of the U.S. national among its successes the gold in Beijing 2008!
April 25, 2009
"Talent makes you win a game. The intelligence and teamwork make you win a championship,"
LeBron James (30/12/1984 -)
of 203 cm small forward for about 113 kg, is regularly called King James, The Chosen One ("The Chosen One") from the sports press. With the U.S. won the gold medal at the Beijing Olympics. In the current NBA season, with Cleveland, averaging 32 points per game in addition to 11 rebounds and 7 assists.
May 3, 2009
" Learn to laugh at your failures and your fears, they felt no more fear and you will be rated by others. "
Father Andrea Gasperino
E 'founder Contemplative Missionary Movement "P. de Foucauld". After the war, took to heart the social and economic misery of street children and managed to raise tens of young people left to themselves in a small space in the province of Cuneo, which today bears the name of "Boys Town".
June 3, 2009
"Do not educate then in force, the children in the different knowledge, but rather in the form of game, so that you are also able to see the natural inclination of everyone "
Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), ancient greek philosopher
European champion and world vice-champion of long jump. father and American mother of German descent born in Los Angeles, but moved to Italy from small, where it grows and matures as an athlete honoring our national athletics with his performance.
April 1, 2008
Eddy Merckx (05/17/1945 -)
cyclist, won 5 times Tour de France and Tour of Italy and Liege-Baston-Liege as well as 3 World Championships.
June 2, 2008
Emil Zatopek (19/09/1922 - 01/22/2000)
Champion Athletics, won three Olympic gold medals in one edition of the marathon in Helsinki in 1952 respectively, 10.000me 5.000m.
September 17, 2008
Napoleon Bonaparte (15/08/1769 - 05/05/1821)
E 'was a French political and military, and founder of the First French Empire. It was the first artillery officer and then general during the French Revolution. He was also crowned King of Italy in Milan May 26, 1805.
November 12, 2008
Henry Ford (07/30/1863 - 04/07/1947)
pioneer era industrial and automobile of which he was one of the founders: the Ford Motor Company
November 19, 2008
(-/4/1564 - 04/23/1616)
Playwright and actor of the most famous of English literature. Among his most famous writings is "Hamlet.
November 30, 2008
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (29/05/1917 - 11/22/1963)
E 'was the first President of the U.S. Roman Catholic . He supported racial integration and civil rights, and avoided thanks to his diplomatic skills from the risks of nuclear war with the former USSR.
December 24, 2009

Mike Krzyzewski (02/13/1947 -)
basketball Coach of the U.S. national among its successes the gold in Beijing 2008!
April 25, 2009
LeBron James (30/12/1984 -)
of 203 cm small forward for about 113 kg, is regularly called King James, The Chosen One ("The Chosen One") from the sports press. With the U.S. won the gold medal at the Beijing Olympics. In the current NBA season, with Cleveland, averaging 32 points per game in addition to 11 rebounds and 7 assists.
May 3, 2009
Father Andrea Gasperino
E 'founder Contemplative Missionary Movement "P. de Foucauld". After the war, took to heart the social and economic misery of street children and managed to raise tens of young people left to themselves in a small space in the province of Cuneo, which today bears the name of "Boys Town".
June 3, 2009
Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), ancient greek philosopher
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How Much To Tip When Getting A Wax?
here are the players who will participate at the All Star Game 2009 (Promotion Group F) at the Oratory Don Bosco Gym Rivoli (via Stupinigi 1). GROUP F
White Team Coach Roberto
Finals by Globo Grugliasco
1 Michael Siragusa 1987 Venaria Basketball School
2 Luca Aresu 1989 Venaria
School Basketball 3 Basketball Avigliana David Giuliano 1987 2004 1991 Mason Rudolph
4 Avigliana Basketball 2004
Henry Bellows 5 1988 6 Victor Vallejo Alpignano
Gobbato 1975 Vallejo Alpignano
7 Matthew Campanelli 1987 Vallejo Alpignano
8 Francesco Gastaldo 1982 BIR
Basketball 9 Basketball
Piero Mazzarino 1981 BIR 10 Nicolas Haese 1986 Globe Grugliasco
11 Valerio Olivieri Grugliasco
12 1986 Globo 1987 Globo Mario Tiso Grugliasco
Blue Team Coach Mauro
Plumitallo by Barracuda Basketball
1 Liborio Vaccaro 1976 Team
Alber Alber 1979 2 Denis Porter
Team 3 Basketball 1987 Flavio Riello 86 Orbassano
4 Stefano Rigo 1990 Basket 86 Orbassano
5 Alessandro Di Paola 1980 Barracuda Basket
6 Ramon Tejedor 1986 Barracuda Basket
7 Marco Pozzi 1979 Barracuda Basket
8 Antonio Di Bari 1962 Buttigliera Basket
9 Gianluca Rocco 1973 Buttigliera Basket
10 Marco Neirotti 1988 PGS Olimpia Rivoli
11 Andrea Sola 1985 PGS Olimpia Rivoli
12 Andrea Sassi 1987 PGS Olimpia Rivoli
La partita verrà arbitrata da Suriano e Cassibba e sarà presente anche un ufficiale di campo (tutti tesserati FIP) per i 24''.
Attraverso le votazioni del pubblico al termine della gara verrà premiato l'MVP.
Ecco i nomi degli iscritti alla Gara di Tiro!
1 Antonio Di Bari 1962 Buttigliera Basketball
2 Federico D'Onofrio Barracuda Basketball
3 Riccardo Di Stasi 1987 Globe Grugliasco
4 Marco Orbassano
Ramazzini 1975 Basketball 86 5 Matt Macri 1983 BIR Basketball
6 Davide Marcolongo 1989 Vallejo Alpignano
7 Leonardo Campanelli 1982 Vallejo Alpignano
8 Stefano Bonsignore 1989 Avigliana Basketball
9 2004 1978 Loreto Di Rienzo Alber
Team 10 Samuel Cavallone 1983 Venaria School Basketball
11 1989 Dear David Olimpia Rivoli
PGS 12 PGS Manuel Cavezzale 1992 Olimpia Rivoli
To make up for defections Webbeg Giaveno and other players we have contacted both the shot for the game.
The test will take place in NBA style: 25 shots in 1 minute, with 5 stations and 5 balls for each of the last of which is worth double. The balloons will be on the trolleys.
Those in the first phase, consisting of a round in which all 12 are running the test, rank in top three entering the final phase in which, through another ruond will decide the winner.
In the case of a tie, both in the run that in the final, will play-off through an extra round.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Cameras Without Batteries
amazing enthusiasm and eighth Olimpia Milano victory!
front of a magnificent bird's eye got today from Mediolanum Forum, Armani Jeans puts the eighth wonder of his great streak of wins a row, beating very well Benetton Treviso 83-68, extending to +4 in the standings on the formation of coach Mahmuti and even reversing the difference baskets in the decisive battles.
Following the technical comments of the game, as written on the official website dell'Armani. Olimpia Milano on the site you can also hear the press conference Coach Bucchi, who thanked the fans for their wonderful supporters on behalf of the team .
For our part it was a wonderful experience for children, teens and parents in the future and that we will repeat again next year. We thank Alessandro Cassibba (now acquired by Pozzecco childhood friend:)) while also allowing some guys to infiltrate in the parterre accanto al campo) e Antonio Zupo che hanno diretto le fila della giornata.
Bello anche vedere come il Mediolanum Forum fosse gremito di donne e bambini... fa piacere che la pallacanestro anche ad alti livelli rimanga uno spettacolo e una festa aperta a tutti!
Ora vi lascio al commento intevarllato da qualche foto:
Parte bene la Benetton con Radoslav Rancik, ben servito due volte da Nicevic, che segna 4 dei primi 9 punti della formazione biancoverde per il primo mini allungo degli ospiti che dopo 3’ sono avanti 9-4. Ma Milano reagisce presto e bene con un ottimo Pape Sow che prima stoppa Rancik poi segna 4 punti in fila per riportare a contatto her. JOBEY Thomas, to return and a quintet, scored two beautiful baskets and overtaking is extended to 5 'from the first siren with a basket out of balance for Hawkins 12-11, 15-12 shortly after becoming a triple by Mike Hall.
Mahmuti runs for cover after two fouls on Nicevic Sow, inputting Renzi, but the music does not change with the center of Senegal The Hague continues to do damage in Treviso. A 2 'from the end Sangaré Thomas finds a positive with Milan ahead 18-12 with another triple to Mike Hall. The Olympia defends strong defense and try to run: a 1'18''siren from the first minute after coach Mahmuti called Vitali also joined on the scoresheet with a nice basket in the face of Wood and Sang has recovered another good ball foul suffering. The French two out of two from the line and touch the red and white double-digit lead over 22-12.
The bench in the melee spear Treviso CJ Wallace and the blond American slips to a 5-0 for its part, reducing
disadvantage. At 10 'Milan are ahead 22-17. The second quarter opened with the first triple of the race by Gary Neal reported that the Treviso -2, 22-20. Bucchi put on the floor for Sow Taylor and Thomas to Hawkins. Hall and Taylor Renzi and the referee stopped in unison Laconica sanctioning Treviso coach with a technical foul for protesting that administers JOBEY Thomas from the foul line for his +5, 26-21 2'09''after the second installment. Mike Hall puts another big triple that breaks on the iron before going gently into the basket for the 31-26 Armani Jeans.
The race is now more balanced with the guests who return to -3 at 35-32 with two free Nicevic. At that point, however, salt Chair David Hawkins that marks four points in a row, stealing a large flask metacampo. A long interval 2'14''Mahmuti called the Olympia on 39-32 minutes and Mason Rocca, with two fouls, that begins to lay down the law under the boards: the number 12 white and red tears a large rebound in attack, is fouled, the two marks free for 41-32
Milan and then exit again to leave room for Pape Sow. Sangaré part of the field for Vitali, with two fouls, and is now a big assist to Sow and below by the maximum advantage to 43-32 on his 1'20''when there is no long interval. After a great time of conclusion against Neal, Pape Sow is still time: the number 8 Bucchi ripping a rebound in traffic after two errors from the line of Katelynas and after it was fouled on the bezel and is 2 / 2. A 28''by halftime, con Soragna in lunetta, Bucchi chiama minuto per disegnare l’ultimo possesso del primo tempo. Ne nasce un’ultima azione che Yohann Sangaré gestisce alla grande attaccando Neal e segnando poi la tripla del 48-36 per l’Olimpia con cui si chiude il primo tempo.
Dopo la pausa si riprende con Pape Sow che comincia da dove si era fermato: attacca Nicevic, lo costringe al terzo fallo, segna e converte anche il libero supplementare per il 51-36 dei padroni di casa che diventa 53-36 con altri due liberi di Hawkins. Dopo 2’19’’ Sow è costretto a lasciare il campo per un colpo subito da Mike Hall che perde l’equilibrio in entrata. Entra Rocca che si fa subito trovare pronto sul pick and roll con Vitali che gli serve un grande assist per il 55-38 dei milanesi. L’attacco milanese ha un passaggio a vuoto e la Benetton, con Sandri per Bulleri, prova a rientrare con Neal e Wood, mentre Bucchi richiama in panca Vitali e inserisce Sangaré con il tabellone del Mediolanum Forum che dice 55-42 per l’Olimpia. A 3’53’’ dalla sirena, Bucchi toglie Thomas e Hall e rimette in campo Mordente e Katelynas, mentre Mahmuti è costretto a inserire Soragna per Neal, caduto male. Milano non segna da qualche minuto e la Benetton, pur non facendo cose trascendentali in attacco, rientra a -10, 55-45 con un gioco da tre punti del giovane Sandri. Dopo un libero di Wood che porta Treviso sul -9, a rompere il digiuno offensivo dei biancorossi è David Hawkins con una gran tripla in faccia a Soragna per il 58-46 Olimpia a 2’06’’ dalla sirena del 30’. Renzi e Wood provano a portare a contatto gli ospiti, arrivando fino al -8, mal al 30’ si va con l’AJ avanti di 10 lunghezze, 62-52, grazie a un coast to coast da applausi di Hawkins.
L’ultimo quarto comincia con Vitali in campo per Hawkins che va a prendere un po’ di fiato. Pronti via e Milano in un minuto piazza un 4-0 con Katelynas e Rocca per il nuovo +14 sul 66-52. La difesa biancorossa torna a mordere sugli esterni biancoverdi, ma l’AJ non riesce a piazzare un nuovo break che potrebbe risultare decisivo e la Benetton prova in tutti i modi a rimanere attaccata alla gara. Rocca commette il suo quarto foul 7'03''from the end, just when Bucchi call into the field for Hawkins applauded Sangaré Mahmuti and try to talk again about calling timeout. After the minute is again time to Sow detecting Rocca. The break comes: Stain in place it is vital to three points for 73-56 at Milano 5'26''siren from the final race.
Hall dives to recover a rebound bumping into the LED light in front of the bench of Treviso and is forced to go to be healed, giving way to Katelynas. Wallace puts on the other end a three-point field goal and 4 'from the end of the AJ is ahead 73-60. Passes within a minute and Hall, to the applause of his audience, and now marks a big triple, forgotten by the host defense white and red for the +16 3 'to correct the conclusion of the game. The race has no history and set the final score 83-68 on Mike Hall for Milan yet. At the final siren is a big party for the red and white fans in the stands applauding a scene open to boys coach Bucchi, authors of another great performance.
front of a magnificent bird's eye got today from Mediolanum Forum, Armani Jeans puts the eighth wonder of his great streak of wins a row, beating very well Benetton Treviso 83-68, extending to +4 in the standings on the formation of coach Mahmuti and even reversing the difference baskets in the decisive battles.
Following the technical comments of the game, as written on the official website dell'Armani. Olimpia Milano on the site you can also hear the press conference Coach Bucchi, who thanked the fans for their wonderful supporters on behalf of the team .
For our part it was a wonderful experience for children, teens and parents in the future and that we will repeat again next year. We thank Alessandro Cassibba (now acquired by Pozzecco childhood friend:)) while also allowing some guys to infiltrate in the parterre accanto al campo) e Antonio Zupo che hanno diretto le fila della giornata.
Bello anche vedere come il Mediolanum Forum fosse gremito di donne e bambini... fa piacere che la pallacanestro anche ad alti livelli rimanga uno spettacolo e una festa aperta a tutti!
Ora vi lascio al commento intevarllato da qualche foto:
Mahmuti runs for cover after two fouls on Nicevic Sow, inputting Renzi, but the music does not change with the center of Senegal The Hague continues to do damage in Treviso. A 2 'from the end Sangaré Thomas finds a positive with Milan ahead 18-12 with another triple to Mike Hall. The Olympia defends strong defense and try to run: a 1'18''siren from the first minute after coach Mahmuti called Vitali also joined on the scoresheet with a nice basket in the face of Wood and Sang has recovered another good ball foul suffering. The French two out of two from the line and touch the red and white double-digit lead over 22-12.
The bench in the melee spear Treviso CJ Wallace and the blond American slips to a 5-0 for its part, reducing
The race is now more balanced with the guests who return to -3 at 35-32 with two free Nicevic. At that point, however, salt Chair David Hawkins that marks four points in a row, stealing a large flask metacampo. A long interval 2'14''Mahmuti called the Olympia on 39-32 minutes and Mason Rocca, with two fouls, that begins to lay down the law under the boards: the number 12 white and red tears a large rebound in attack, is fouled, the two marks free for 41-32
Dopo la pausa si riprende con Pape Sow che comincia da dove si era fermato: attacca Nicevic, lo costringe al terzo fallo, segna e converte anche il libero supplementare per il 51-36 dei padroni di casa che diventa 53-36 con altri due liberi di Hawkins. Dopo 2’19’’ Sow è costretto a lasciare il campo per un colpo subito da Mike Hall che perde l’equilibrio in entrata. Entra Rocca che si fa subito trovare pronto sul pick and roll con Vitali che gli serve un grande assist per il 55-38 dei milanesi. L’attacco milanese ha un passaggio a vuoto e la Benetton, con Sandri per Bulleri, prova a rientrare con Neal e Wood, mentre Bucchi richiama in panca Vitali e inserisce Sangaré con il tabellone del Mediolanum Forum che dice 55-42 per l’Olimpia. A 3’53’’ dalla sirena, Bucchi toglie Thomas e Hall e rimette in campo Mordente e Katelynas, mentre Mahmuti è costretto a inserire Soragna per Neal, caduto male. Milano non segna da qualche minuto e la Benetton, pur non facendo cose trascendentali in attacco, rientra a -10, 55-45 con un gioco da tre punti del giovane Sandri. Dopo un libero di Wood che porta Treviso sul -9, a rompere il digiuno offensivo dei biancorossi è David Hawkins con una gran tripla in faccia a Soragna per il 58-46 Olimpia a 2’06’’ dalla sirena del 30’. Renzi e Wood provano a portare a contatto gli ospiti, arrivando fino al -8, mal al 30’ si va con l’AJ avanti di 10 lunghezze, 62-52, grazie a un coast to coast da applausi di Hawkins.
L’ultimo quarto comincia con Vitali in campo per Hawkins che va a prendere un po’ di fiato. Pronti via e Milano in un minuto piazza un 4-0 con Katelynas e Rocca per il nuovo +14 sul 66-52. La difesa biancorossa torna a mordere sugli esterni biancoverdi, ma l’AJ non riesce a piazzare un nuovo break che potrebbe risultare decisivo e la Benetton prova in tutti i modi a rimanere attaccata alla gara. Rocca commette il suo quarto foul 7'03''from the end, just when Bucchi call into the field for Hawkins applauded Sangaré Mahmuti and try to talk again about calling timeout. After the minute is again time to Sow detecting Rocca. The break comes: Stain in place it is vital to three points for 73-56 at Milano 5'26''siren from the final race.
Hall dives to recover a rebound bumping into the LED light in front of the bench of Treviso and is forced to go to be healed, giving way to Katelynas. Wallace puts on the other end a three-point field goal and 4 'from the end of the AJ is ahead 73-60. Passes within a minute and Hall, to the applause of his audience, and now marks a big triple, forgotten by the host defense white and red for the +16 3 'to correct the conclusion of the game. The race has no history and set the final score 83-68 on Mike Hall for Milan yet. At the final siren is a big party for the red and white fans in the stands applauding a scene open to boys coach Bucchi, authors of another great performance.
Friday, April 17, 2009
What Color Does Each Rubber Bracelet Mean
Sunday all to see Olimpia Milano vs Benetton Treviso!
A party of boys Olimpia Rivoli and friends will start Sunday, April 19 at 13:30 Oratory from the square with a coach to see a Forum for the Mediolanum division match A1 dell'Olimpia Milano, la società con cui quest'anno è nata una collaborazione per quello che riguarda il settore giovanile e grazie ai quali abbiamo promozioni sui prezzi dei biglietti!
Riportiamo inoltre il comunicato stampa in merito ad un iniziativa legata alla partita:
Grande iniziativa a sostegno della squadra e dei suoi tifosi promossa da Reebok, Sponsor Tecnico dell'Olimpia Milano.
A partire dal 19 aprile, in occasione delle ultime gare interne di regular season contro Benetton Treviso e Montepaschi Siena e per tutti i playoff, sarà infatti possibile acquistare la maglia gara ufficiale a partire da soli 19 euro.
L'iniziativa è riservata ai possessori di abbonamento o biglietto d'ingresso valido per assistere alle partite dell'AJ Milano.
La maglia potrà essere acquistata solo ed esclusivamente presso il Reebok Store allestito all'interno dell'arena centrale del Mediolanum Forum.
Questi i prezzi riservati ai nostri sostenitori:
- maglia replica bambino (6 - 14 anni): 19 euro
- pantaloncino gara adulto: 25 euro
- maglia gara adulto: 29 euro
I possessori di biglietti o abbonamenti di Tribuna Laterale, Tribuna non Numerata e Curva (quindi anche noi dell'Olimpia) potranno accedere al Reebok Store, posto in Arena Centrale, solo ed esclusivamente al termine della partita.
A party of boys Olimpia Rivoli and friends will start Sunday, April 19 at 13:30 Oratory from the square with a coach to see a Forum for the Mediolanum division match A1 dell'Olimpia Milano, la società con cui quest'anno è nata una collaborazione per quello che riguarda il settore giovanile e grazie ai quali abbiamo promozioni sui prezzi dei biglietti!
Riportiamo inoltre il comunicato stampa in merito ad un iniziativa legata alla partita:
Grande iniziativa a sostegno della squadra e dei suoi tifosi promossa da Reebok, Sponsor Tecnico dell'Olimpia Milano.
A partire dal 19 aprile, in occasione delle ultime gare interne di regular season contro Benetton Treviso e Montepaschi Siena e per tutti i playoff, sarà infatti possibile acquistare la maglia gara ufficiale a partire da soli 19 euro.
L'iniziativa è riservata ai possessori di abbonamento o biglietto d'ingresso valido per assistere alle partite dell'AJ Milano.
La maglia potrà essere acquistata solo ed esclusivamente presso il Reebok Store allestito all'interno dell'arena centrale del Mediolanum Forum.
Questi i prezzi riservati ai nostri sostenitori:
- maglia replica bambino (6 - 14 anni): 19 euro
- pantaloncino gara adulto: 25 euro
- maglia gara adulto: 29 euro
I possessori di biglietti o abbonamenti di Tribuna Laterale, Tribuna non Numerata e Curva (quindi anche noi dell'Olimpia) potranno accedere al Reebok Store, posto in Arena Centrale, solo ed esclusivamente al termine della partita.
Dr. Malpani Azoospermia
Ecco i nomi degli iscritti alla Gara di Tiro!
1 Antonio Di Bari 1962 Buttigliera Basket
2 Federico D'Onofrio Barracuda Basket
3 Riccardo Di Stasi 1987 Globo Grugliasco
4 Marco Ramazzina 1975 Basket 86 Orbassano
5 Matteo Macrì 1983 BIR Basket
6 Davide Marcolongo 1989 Valledora Alpignano
7 Leonardo Campanelli 1982 Valledora Alpignano
8 Stefano Bonsignore 1989 Avigliana Basket 2004
9 Loreto Di Rienzo 1978 Alber Team
10 Samuele Cavallone 1983 Venaria Basket School
11 Davide Gentile 1989 PGS Olimpia Rivoli
12 Manuel Cavezzale 1992 PGS Olimpia Rivoli
Per colmare le defezioni abbiamo contattato altri due giocatori.
La prova si svolgerà in stile NBA: 25 tiri in 1 minuto, con 5 stazioni e 5 palloni per ognuno di cui l'ultimo vale doppio. I palloni saranno su dei carrelli.
Coloro che nella prima fase, composta da un round in cui tutti e 12 eseguono la prova, si classificano ai primi tre posti accedono alla fase finale in cui attraverso un altro ruond si deciderà il vincitore.
Nel caso di parità, sia nella fase precedente che nella finale, si farà lo spareggio attraverso un round supplementare.
Ecco i nomi degli iscritti alla Gara di Tiro!
1 Antonio Di Bari 1962 Buttigliera Basket
2 Federico D'Onofrio Barracuda Basket
3 Riccardo Di Stasi 1987 Globo Grugliasco
4 Marco Ramazzina 1975 Basket 86 Orbassano
5 Matteo Macrì 1983 BIR Basket
6 Davide Marcolongo 1989 Valledora Alpignano
7 Leonardo Campanelli 1982 Valledora Alpignano
8 Stefano Bonsignore 1989 Avigliana Basket 2004
9 Loreto Di Rienzo 1978 Alber Team
10 Samuele Cavallone 1983 Venaria Basket School
11 Davide Gentile 1989 PGS Olimpia Rivoli
12 Manuel Cavezzale 1992 PGS Olimpia Rivoli
Per colmare le defezioni abbiamo contattato altri due giocatori.
La prova si svolgerà in stile NBA: 25 tiri in 1 minuto, con 5 stazioni e 5 palloni per ognuno di cui l'ultimo vale doppio. I palloni saranno su dei carrelli.
Coloro che nella prima fase, composta da un round in cui tutti e 12 eseguono la prova, si classificano ai primi tre posti accedono alla fase finale in cui attraverso un altro ruond si deciderà il vincitore.
Nel caso di parità, sia nella fase precedente che nella finale, si farà lo spareggio attraverso un round supplementare.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Silver For Warts Or Herpes
Pictures Promotion Team / CSI
Giovedì 16 Aprile all'inizio dell'allenamento sarà presente anche la Scuola di Danza che animerà la giornata dell'All Star Game per fare delle prove.
Therefore training is postponed and will take place at 20:15 at the end of such evidence.
Meanwhile, our task will be to collaborate with them and exploit this in more free time for photos of both teams with uniforms and if you have time try the mechanisms for the shooting contest!
School of Dance will try on another date ... then normal. The photo will be the same.
Giovedì 16 Aprile all'inizio dell'allenamento sarà presente anche la Scuola di Danza che animerà la giornata dell'All Star Game per fare delle prove.
Therefore training is postponed and will take place at 20:15 at the end of such evidence.
Meanwhile, our task will be to collaborate with them and exploit this in more free time for photos of both teams with uniforms and if you have time try the mechanisms for the shooting contest!
School of Dance will try on another date ... then normal. The photo will be the same.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Clothes For Women With A Big Belly
The Olympia hosts the All Star Game!!
And 'This is the official logo of the event, to be held on April 25 in our gym at the recreation center.
But what is the All Star Game?
The All Star Game promotion of group F is an idea for the promotion of amateur football as well as a time of celebration and meeting with the opponents at the end of the championship Promotion (group F) in which he participated in Olympia.
The day was inspired by the wonderful weekend of basketball in america show organized by the NBA. For those who wish to learn two useful links:
The afternoon's celebration consists of two major events: the game and the shooting competition.
challenge to the game two teams composed of players from different teams. Each society chooses to represent it for two players la partita e un terzo (che può però coincidere con uno dei due) per la gara di tiro.
Si formeranno così due squadre da 12 giocatori, più un gruppo di 12 tiratori che parteciperanno solo alla gara di tiro.
Alla fine della giornata verranno anche premiati:
-il Coach dell'Anno (in riferimento al girone F di Promozione)
-Miglior Giocatore dell'All Star Game (votato dal pubblico spettatore)
-Vincitore della gara del Tiro da 3 Punti
Dopo le premiazioni, è preveisto il cosiddetto "terzo tempo": una cena a base di pasta, pane e acqua per tutti coloro che desiderano. La cena è offerta a tutti i tesserati che desiderano fermarsi, per gli altri il costo è di 4€.
FIP and the Regional Municipality of Rivoli gave sponsorship and collaboration, our companies economic and organizational support.
We invite all who are part of the Company to participate in the day of celebration!
The image below is the poster of the event with other information on the day!
But what is the All Star Game?
The All Star Game promotion of group F is an idea for the promotion of amateur football as well as a time of celebration and meeting with the opponents at the end of the championship Promotion (group F) in which he participated in Olympia.
The day was inspired by the wonderful weekend of basketball in america show organized by the NBA. For those who wish to learn two useful links:
The afternoon's celebration consists of two major events: the game and the shooting competition.
challenge to the game two teams composed of players from different teams. Each society chooses to represent it for two players la partita e un terzo (che può però coincidere con uno dei due) per la gara di tiro.
Si formeranno così due squadre da 12 giocatori, più un gruppo di 12 tiratori che parteciperanno solo alla gara di tiro.
Alla fine della giornata verranno anche premiati:
-il Coach dell'Anno (in riferimento al girone F di Promozione)
-Miglior Giocatore dell'All Star Game (votato dal pubblico spettatore)
-Vincitore della gara del Tiro da 3 Punti
Dopo le premiazioni, è preveisto il cosiddetto "terzo tempo": una cena a base di pasta, pane e acqua per tutti coloro che desiderano. La cena è offerta a tutti i tesserati che desiderano fermarsi, per gli altri il costo è di 4€.
FIP and the Regional Municipality of Rivoli gave sponsorship and collaboration, our companies economic and organizational support.
We invite all who are part of the Company to participate in the day of celebration!
The image below is the poster of the event with other information on the day!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Showering After Waxing
For a breath! This goes against Olimpia
Tam Tam Torino - Rivoli Olimpia: 28-24
honorable defeat our Squirrels, and against a fierce Tam Tam claimed their capabilities, as compared to the previous game, a lot more grit and deternminazione as well as a closer defense e solida.
Come dicono sempre i Coach l'importante è esserci col cuore e dobbiamo dire che i nostri ragazzi il cuore ce l'hanno messo!
Due periodi pareggiati e un quarto per parte il bilancio sommario con un inizio equilibratissimo che porta le squadre al primo riposo sul 6 a 6.
Qualche imprecisione sulle rimesse e qualche disattenzione in difesa permette ai padroni di casa di conquistare un prezioso vantaggio nel secondo quarto con un parziale di 12 a 5.
Il passivo non scoraggia i ragazzi che nel terzo quarto vincono 5 a 2 e nell'ultimo pareggiano per 8 a 8.
Contro il Tam Tam solo 2 mesi fa abbiamo perso di circa 20 punti e questo fa onore ai passi avanti fatti dai ragazzi. Con la voglia e la Sunday's fighting spirit will not be difficult to continue this trend of progress.
Come on guys!
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti 4, 5 Bucci, Del Grande, Fortini, Ghionda, Lanata, Merlin, Nitica 2, Proto 2, Ungol, Zupo 11. Herds Scandurra, Fraire, Sassi.
ps: now that the summer season begins ... exploited the pitches ... and for those who live near the Oratory!!
Tam Tam Torino - Rivoli Olimpia: 28-24
honorable defeat our Squirrels, and against a fierce Tam Tam claimed their capabilities, as compared to the previous game, a lot more grit and deternminazione as well as a closer defense e solida.
Come dicono sempre i Coach l'importante è esserci col cuore e dobbiamo dire che i nostri ragazzi il cuore ce l'hanno messo!
Due periodi pareggiati e un quarto per parte il bilancio sommario con un inizio equilibratissimo che porta le squadre al primo riposo sul 6 a 6.
Qualche imprecisione sulle rimesse e qualche disattenzione in difesa permette ai padroni di casa di conquistare un prezioso vantaggio nel secondo quarto con un parziale di 12 a 5.
Il passivo non scoraggia i ragazzi che nel terzo quarto vincono 5 a 2 e nell'ultimo pareggiano per 8 a 8.
Contro il Tam Tam solo 2 mesi fa abbiamo perso di circa 20 punti e questo fa onore ai passi avanti fatti dai ragazzi. Con la voglia e la Sunday's fighting spirit will not be difficult to continue this trend of progress.
Come on guys!
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti 4, 5 Bucci, Del Grande, Fortini, Ghionda, Lanata, Merlin, Nitica 2, Proto 2, Ungol, Zupo 11. Herds Scandurra, Fraire, Sassi.
ps: now that the summer season begins ... exploited the pitches ... and for those who live near the Oratory!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Hunter's Syndrome Baby
Canavese "Amarcord"
Penultimate CIS championship, and victory for our 72 to 45 against the formation of the Canavese Basketball. As I pause to record the final score, because it is my intention to give due homage to the opposing team .. The Ivrea
you are presented with nine players in which the youngest was a thirty-three, fifty-four (2 even a little more) and forty-four. Well, these players have put us in trouble early on and won the last quarter. Obviously the writer has made the generational solidarity for rooting for his peers, cheering every basket they (some of considerable bill).
Congratulations, guys, so I call you because you are, you have given us a lesson in life and you have to understand that the sport is not only where the money is running in spades, but especially that practiced by heroes like you that dignify decubertiniano in the true sense of the word.
Let me mention these true athletes one by one those who read this article and join in a virtual round of applause:
Keep it up.
Penultimate CIS championship, and victory for our 72 to 45 against the formation of the Canavese Basketball. As I pause to record the final score, because it is my intention to give due homage to the opposing team .. The Ivrea
you are presented with nine players in which the youngest was a thirty-three, fifty-four (2 even a little more) and forty-four. Well, these players have put us in trouble early on and won the last quarter. Obviously the writer has made the generational solidarity for rooting for his peers, cheering every basket they (some of considerable bill).
Congratulations, guys, so I call you because you are, you have given us a lesson in life and you have to understand that the sport is not only where the money is running in spades, but especially that practiced by heroes like you that dignify decubertiniano in the true sense of the word.
Let me mention these true athletes one by one those who read this article and join in a virtual round of applause:
Keep it up.
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ends with a defeat of the season promotion
Closes sadly the league promotion. We lost badly
a game we should have won, against a team's reach.
Needless to stick to the absence of Fuligno, Sassi D. and to yet another accident in the early stages of Prette (dislocated shoulder), the truth is: we played bad, the headless sparacchiando more I can not ball to the basket of the opposing team (3 of 30 in the shooting of three!).
After an initial phase of equilibrium in the second quarter we suffer the decisive break, Avigliana closes the second and third quarter on + 11. At the last village usually driven by Neira, in a final vehement recovered any disadvantage, unfortunately in the final, despite having numerous chances to close the game and we manage them badly in the last second Neira (this however does not stain his performance) commits dell'Avigliana foul on Mason, who coolly
ago to one in two free, crashing the score on 51 to 50 for the bees.
However, to that seen in the field and has earned Avigliana ponito the carelessness with which our team has dealt with the commitment. Too many offensive rebounds given to our opponents, rushed shots, but also a frightening lack of concentration. When the team woke up in five minutes, they recovered all the disadvantages accumulated in thirty minutes. Probably if you had the same intensity throughout the match, we probably would have won.
Sore point, when you lose a point, free, 8 to 19 and this says it all.
Avigliana - Olimpia Rivoli: 51 to 50 (15 to 12 to 34 to 23 - 42 to 31)
Olimpia Rivoli: 2 Vergano, Sassi 2, 7 Rubbo, Bertrand 7, Sola 6, Neira 20, Prette, Bo 3, Zabaldano 4, Piana. Herds Nicolazo
Closes sadly the league promotion. We lost badly
a game we should have won, against a team's reach.
Needless to stick to the absence of Fuligno, Sassi D. and to yet another accident in the early stages of Prette (dislocated shoulder), the truth is: we played bad, the headless sparacchiando more I can not ball to the basket of the opposing team (3 of 30 in the shooting of three!).
After an initial phase of equilibrium in the second quarter we suffer the decisive break, Avigliana closes the second and third quarter on + 11. At the last village usually driven by Neira, in a final vehement recovered any disadvantage, unfortunately in the final, despite having numerous chances to close the game and we manage them badly in the last second Neira (this however does not stain his performance) commits dell'Avigliana foul on Mason, who coolly
ago to one in two free, crashing the score on 51 to 50 for the bees.
However, to that seen in the field and has earned Avigliana ponito the carelessness with which our team has dealt with the commitment. Too many offensive rebounds given to our opponents, rushed shots, but also a frightening lack of concentration. When the team woke up in five minutes, they recovered all the disadvantages accumulated in thirty minutes. Probably if you had the same intensity throughout the match, we probably would have won.
Sore point, when you lose a point, free, 8 to 19 and this says it all.
Avigliana - Olimpia Rivoli: 51 to 50 (15 to 12 to 34 to 23 - 42 to 31)
Olimpia Rivoli: 2 Vergano, Sassi 2, 7 Rubbo, Bertrand 7, Sola 6, Neira 20, Prette, Bo 3, Zabaldano 4, Piana. Herds Nicolazo
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Easter holidays
It reminds everyone that the Holy Week training will end Wednesday, April 8 (not included) and will resume from Tuesday, April 14.
With the hope to meet during the celebrations to better enjoy the most important moments in the life of Christ,
Staff is offering you its best wishes for a Happy Easter!
-Promotion / CSI: Wednesday will be held normally trainers Barroccio while the meeting will be held Thursday evening at 20:30 hours at the Oratory.
It reminds everyone that the Holy Week training will end Wednesday, April 8 (not included) and will resume from Tuesday, April 14.
With the hope to meet during the celebrations to better enjoy the most important moments in the life of Christ,
Staff is offering you its best wishes for a Happy Easter!
-Promotion / CSI: Wednesday will be held normally trainers Barroccio while the meeting will be held Thursday evening at 20:30 hours at the Oratory.
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