Highs and lows for the Don Bosco in the Summer Cup! The Olympia
It closes the season in the chiaroscuro of the Don Bosco basketball Rivoli (formerly Olympia) with two wins and two defeats in the Summer Cup, organized by CSI
First game.
The harder against Pancalieri, promotion team (group D) than for disciplinary reasons, has missed the train of the playoffs (3 penalty points and almost won a game result of non-certified).
We are in an emergency, with Neira in the role of spectator, Fuligno also record the absence of Vergano also not mentioned in addition to the chronically ill. Game that starts off badly with Pancalieri that makes 2 of 2 from three and we now chasing. Night, we have no game and no ideas for the whole game and suffer the attacking zone. Only in the last quarter Pancalieri loosens its grip in the field by sending young people and making it less humiliating lesson. Final score 74 to 51 for our opponents. From the general dullness you save a good Beltramo (accurate shooting), Zabaldano (7 rebounds and 8 balls recovered) and a good Scandurra (8 points and 5 rebounds)
second game. We face the
Valpellice, team that has only 5 staff. After the clarification
week between players and coach the team takes the field motivated. The game has no story too wide gap between the two teams. After a sprint of our first quarter ended with the score 23 to 5 we see a second quarter that ends in chloroform for 9 to 5 and bringing the two teams long on the range 32 to 10. At this juncture the team Valpellice unable to insert four other players in the meantime hanno raggiunto il Pala Don Bosco. L'inserimento di quest'ultimi non cambia il trend della partita e i nostri chiudono le ostilità sul 87 a 23. Cifre importanti per Beltramo 8 su 9 dal campo (2 su 2 da tre) e 18 punti, Sola 13 punti 7 rimbalzi 6 ricuperi e 7 assist, Sassi D. 6 su 7 da due discreto il rientrante Neirotti con 9 punti. Nelle file avversarie da segnalare la presenza di Furnari (l'arbitro contestato nella partita col San Donato) che si è messo in mostra per aver protestato in continuazione con l'ottimo arbitro Duni, reo a suo dire di averci sanzionato in tutta la partita solo 6 falli, se avesse arbitrato lui la musica sarebbe stata diversa.
Terza partita.
Chi arbitra la nostra terza? Il buon Furnari e ovviamente in questa situazione è chiaro che vincere sarà un'impresa. Se ne accorge subito Sola a cui vengono fischiati nei primi trenta secondi due falli. Il Nichelino, squadra non impossibile non crede a tanta manna e rimane in partita, andando addirittura all'intervallo lungo avanti di tre 26 a 29. Il primo fallo a nostro favore viene fischiato al 5° minuto del secondo quarto e in questo frangente ci viene sanzionata un infrazione di tre secondi mentre il nostro play manovra la palla fuori dall'area (incredibile!). Nel terzo quarto riusciamo a prendere il largo e a tre minuti dalla fine siamo avanti di 8. Purtroppo allentiamo la difesa e l'ottimo giocatore del Nichelino, Di Lauri, con due triple ci raggiune, nel finale convulso due liberi del Nichelino proclaim the victory of the latter for 60 to 58.
A half-second from the end of our Zabaldano catch a rebound in the Nicholasville going to pull but is pushed, Furnari for nothing. We acknowledge and we go out sadly from the Summer Cup.
referee aside, however, that there is to say we played badly conceding to our opponents easy baskets and error free too. 4 out of 18 there is a merciless condemnation of the referee.
fourth game.
close with the Franzin Valnoce Cantalupa team, coached by former President John Garrone dell'Auxilium Turin until last season. This team has dominated the league's top junior CSI finishing undefeated and being at the same time imbattuta nella summer cup, anche se non hanno incontrato il Pancalieri. Ovviamente contro di noi ci tengono a far bella figura e magari a vincere. Per la cronaca sono tutti ragazzi di venti anni. Pronti via, il Franzin vola, mettendo in mostra un ottima organizzazione di gioco con schemi che riescono alla perfezione, noi con un po di mestiere ci teniamo in gara. Primo quarto 14 a 9 per loro. Il secondo quarto è la fotocopia del primo e il Franzin va al riposo sul 28 a 21. Al rientro in campo i nostri sono più motivati e approfittando di un calo fisico dei nostri ottimi avversari cambiano l'inerzia della parita. Un parziale di 25 a 10 da al Don Bosco Rivoli un piccolo capitale di otto punti.
Ultimo quarto, il più spettacolare, con i nostri che questa volta gestiscono il piccolo vantaggio accumulato mentre dall'altra parte uno strepitoso Marietta fa 4 su 4 da tre cercando di riportare i suoi in partita. Questa volta i ragazzi del Don Bosco fanno buona guardia e facciamo nostra la partita 64 a 54 il finale. Oltre al gia citato Sola autore di 19 punti, da segnalare l'ottima partita dei fratelli Sassi, del play Zabaldano mentre Beltramo si è prodigato in difesa.
Sul Franzin c'è da dire che è un'ottima squadra e che nonostante la sconfitta di questa sera mantiene intatte tutte le possibilità per accedere alla finale di summer Cup, a patto che batta il Pancalieri. Impressionante la partita del già citato Marietta dei giovani Sciannameo e Costa delle vere spine nel fianco nella nostra difesa. L'arbitraggio del signor Verdoja è stato ottimo.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Streaming Southpark On Psp
Noooooooooooo ....
................. how could I??
I was careful and so far I had not "escaped" again, official !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
................. how could I??
I was careful and so far I had not "escaped" again, official !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.. Usually every 1,000 hits, I make a party :-)
This time I realized that it exceeded the 4000, mhmm!
Okay, let's face it ... it's just an excuse to leave a little greeting. A prestissimoooooooooooo promised ..:-D
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How Many Combinations Are In A Five Number Lock
evolves in the new "DON BOSCO Rivoli
Con una netta maggioranza Martedì 19 si è votato il cambiamento del nome della società.
La motivazione di base è nata dalla necessità di cambiare denominazione sociale in seguito alla scissione fra i salesiani e l'associazione PGS. Pertanto si sarebbe dovuto cambiare statuto per elidere quelle parti, a partire dal nome, che richiamavano il legame della nostra società con la PGS.
A questo punto il Direttivo accogliendo la mozione dei delegati del settore calcio, ha deciso di indire un'assemblea straordinaria dei soci (solo maggiorenni, per statuto) nella quale ha proposto di scegliere fra due opzioni: Olimpia Rivoli e Don Bosco Rivoli. The reasons for
explained the name change are many and you summarize the most important.
First you want to mark a moment in the name of historical change for the company, a slow and gradual transformation that has led Olimpia to grow from all points of view through the improvement of the technical staff who have asked for more commitment side of training, thanks to the improvement of facilities available (think of the synthetic calcium) because of the increased attention to the link sport and community (think of the renewed interest and success of the Celebration of Life in recent years), thanks to the will to face up to reality professional (eg agreement between us and the Olimpia Milano) and much more.
The proposed name of Don Bosco is also the sign of the desire to grow with respect to identity Salesian. In fact, the simple name is already well identify different aspects of society, including attitudes and style, as well as also the physical location thereof.
The name change is therefore the result of a process of change that has not been concluded and that rather ambitiously aims to create a club sound and solid. That means a sports club that has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits goals and achieves them with its own power.
The sporting development of society can not regardless of their Christian growth. Identify with Don Bosco also means putting the focus on young people and children, which also involves working with adults because they may be worthy masters not only at technical level.
What does the name change in practice for members?
On a practical level there are no immediate changes. The uniforms of teams will remain the same for the intended life cycle (2-4 years), suits idem.
Provision will then be presented a new logo at the start of next season.
Con una netta maggioranza Martedì 19 si è votato il cambiamento del nome della società.
La motivazione di base è nata dalla necessità di cambiare denominazione sociale in seguito alla scissione fra i salesiani e l'associazione PGS. Pertanto si sarebbe dovuto cambiare statuto per elidere quelle parti, a partire dal nome, che richiamavano il legame della nostra società con la PGS.
A questo punto il Direttivo accogliendo la mozione dei delegati del settore calcio, ha deciso di indire un'assemblea straordinaria dei soci (solo maggiorenni, per statuto) nella quale ha proposto di scegliere fra due opzioni: Olimpia Rivoli e Don Bosco Rivoli. The reasons for
explained the name change are many and you summarize the most important.
First you want to mark a moment in the name of historical change for the company, a slow and gradual transformation that has led Olimpia to grow from all points of view through the improvement of the technical staff who have asked for more commitment side of training, thanks to the improvement of facilities available (think of the synthetic calcium) because of the increased attention to the link sport and community (think of the renewed interest and success of the Celebration of Life in recent years), thanks to the will to face up to reality professional (eg agreement between us and the Olimpia Milano) and much more.
The proposed name of Don Bosco is also the sign of the desire to grow with respect to identity Salesian. In fact, the simple name is already well identify different aspects of society, including attitudes and style, as well as also the physical location thereof.
The name change is therefore the result of a process of change that has not been concluded and that rather ambitiously aims to create a club sound and solid. That means a sports club that has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits goals and achieves them with its own power.
The sporting development of society can not regardless of their Christian growth. Identify with Don Bosco also means putting the focus on young people and children, which also involves working with adults because they may be worthy masters not only at technical level.
What does the name change in practice for members?
On a practical level there are no immediate changes. The uniforms of teams will remain the same for the intended life cycle (2-4 years), suits idem.
Provision will then be presented a new logo at the start of next season.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
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Beautiful performance of the Squirrels! Match Cancellation
Squirrels Olimpia Rivoli - Orbassano Bk 86: 21 to 21
seventh league game against Orbassano of our squirrels.
The memory of the first leg is still in the eyes of the boys (lost first leg for 45 to 18) that come into play a bit 'scared even if you play in the gym friend.
No time to celebrate a debut among the Rivoli that now the game gets tough: the first quarter to 8 to 4 guests.
the stands are afraid of a copy of the first leg but the second quintet wipes out any concerns: great teamwork and good aim to bring home the second period to 6 to 2. The rest is the result of perfect equality.
Arianna shuffle first team with new entries and the limit of three-point shots to bring home this fourth for 6 to 5. The game
will be decided at the last minute and so is: baskets from side to side and end partial to fully reverse Orbassano and final score of 21 to 21.
What a game guys! The
Orbassano pays the fact of playing in larger spaces and in fact there are countless booed off by guests, while Olympia is still unbeaten at home. In this case, however, was not the only factor to decide the challenge field. In the last article we wrote that it expected the target and finally arrived! We have seen many more played chorales were successful and many actions without dribbles.
Squirrels by excellent and good luck for the continuation!
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti, Battaglia, 8 Bucci, Del Grande, Fortini, Ghionda, Lanzetti, Merlin, Nitica 3, Proto, Siviero, Ungol, Zupo 10. Herds Scandurra, Fraire, Sassi.
Squirrels Olimpia Rivoli - Orbassano Bk 86: 21 to 21
seventh league game against Orbassano of our squirrels.
The memory of the first leg is still in the eyes of the boys (lost first leg for 45 to 18) that come into play a bit 'scared even if you play in the gym friend.
No time to celebrate a debut among the Rivoli that now the game gets tough: the first quarter to 8 to 4 guests.
the stands are afraid of a copy of the first leg but the second quintet wipes out any concerns: great teamwork and good aim to bring home the second period to 6 to 2. The rest is the result of perfect equality.
Arianna shuffle first team with new entries and the limit of three-point shots to bring home this fourth for 6 to 5. The game
will be decided at the last minute and so is: baskets from side to side and end partial to fully reverse Orbassano and final score of 21 to 21.
What a game guys! The
Orbassano pays the fact of playing in larger spaces and in fact there are countless booed off by guests, while Olympia is still unbeaten at home. In this case, however, was not the only factor to decide the challenge field. In the last article we wrote that it expected the target and finally arrived! We have seen many more played chorales were successful and many actions without dribbles.
Squirrels by excellent and good luck for the continuation!
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti, Battaglia, 8 Bucci, Del Grande, Fortini, Ghionda, Lanzetti, Merlin, Nitica 3, Proto, Siviero, Ungol, Zupo 10. Herds Scandurra, Fraire, Sassi.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Nimh Smart Charger Schematic
Squirrels Squirrels
We just received notice from the oasis Laura Vicuna, who for various problems, they can not attend the game Sunday, May 10. Therefore, the game was postponed until a later date.
also communicate the movement of the game Sunday, May 17 to Saturday, May 16 against the Tam Tam, always at home (Oratorio Don Bosco) at 17:30.
We encourage parents to do word of mouth on news!
We just received notice from the oasis Laura Vicuna, who for various problems, they can not attend the game Sunday, May 10. Therefore, the game was postponed until a later date.
also communicate the movement of the game Sunday, May 17 to Saturday, May 16 against the Tam Tam, always at home (Oratorio Don Bosco) at 17:30.
We encourage parents to do word of mouth on news!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
1965 Barracuda, Price
Training Tuesday, May 12
The training will end at 18:15 in the gym, continue unless there is good weather, outdoors in the oratorio up to 19 yards.
who leads the knee.
The training will end at 18:15 in the gym, continue unless there is good weather, outdoors in the oratorio up to 19 yards.
who leads the knee.
Monday, May 4, 2009
What Do My Sinuses Look Like
Squirrels growing the game, now awaits the aim!
Squirrels Piossasco Alter 82 - Olimpia Rivoli: 24-9
fifth commitment in the league for our squirrels and conclusion of the first round against the same age Piossasco.
game immediately climb the first time that ends 6 to 0 for the hosts. A great game for our team did not materialize during the shooting.
Second quarter and in line with the first part of 8 to 2.
continue the actions of the chorale Rivoli but the increased precision of the opponents to prevent any recovery. Come back after
rest along the Olympia seems to have found the determination and concentration, and the third period is won by our 3 to 0. Few, but still good. Last quarter
poised until the end when piossaschesi mark the basket that brings them to benefit 6 to 4.
The score was affected by over-shooting errors in the first two quarters. On the positive side there are the many team games.
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti, Bucci 1, Del Grande, Ghionda, Lanata, Merlin, Nitica 2, Proto, Siviero, Zupo 6. Herds Scandurra, Fraire.
Squirrels basketball Pinerolo - Olimpia Rivoli: 42 to 28
First day of second round in Pinerolo our children. The result certainly does not reward the play of the team that creates a lot of Rivoli, but achieves little in terms of baskets.
The game won the first leg may have created some excitement on the eve of too much that the hosts have been turned off: part of 12 to 2 and change quintets. According
almost photocopy of the first quarter (12-6) with a lot of missed opportunities for our counter-attacks and almost always made by the opponents.
Even the squirrels Olimpia interval helps to regain strength and precision, and the third quarter goes for 10 to 6.
Beautiful performance of the heart in the last period and won 14 to 8 for our kids ... that seem to understand that mirare al tabellone è il modo più facile per seganare da sottocanestro.
Una partita segnata fin da subito dagli errori in fase di tiro e dalla maggiore abitudine dei nostri avversari al gioco in spazi ristretti.
Continuiamo ad apprezzare le giocate corali che anche in questa partita sono state notevoli.
Adesso attendiamo il buon Orbassano e la striscia di partite in casa!
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti 2, Bucci 2, Del Grande, Lanatà, Merlino, Nitica 8, Protano, Zupo 16. All. Scandurra, Fraire, Sassi.
Squirrels Piossasco Alter 82 - Olimpia Rivoli: 24-9
fifth commitment in the league for our squirrels and conclusion of the first round against the same age Piossasco.
game immediately climb the first time that ends 6 to 0 for the hosts. A great game for our team did not materialize during the shooting.
Second quarter and in line with the first part of 8 to 2.
continue the actions of the chorale Rivoli but the increased precision of the opponents to prevent any recovery. Come back after
rest along the Olympia seems to have found the determination and concentration, and the third period is won by our 3 to 0. Few, but still good. Last quarter
poised until the end when piossaschesi mark the basket that brings them to benefit 6 to 4.
The score was affected by over-shooting errors in the first two quarters. On the positive side there are the many team games.
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti, Bucci 1, Del Grande, Ghionda, Lanata, Merlin, Nitica 2, Proto, Siviero, Zupo 6. Herds Scandurra, Fraire.
Squirrels basketball Pinerolo - Olimpia Rivoli: 42 to 28
First day of second round in Pinerolo our children. The result certainly does not reward the play of the team that creates a lot of Rivoli, but achieves little in terms of baskets.
The game won the first leg may have created some excitement on the eve of too much that the hosts have been turned off: part of 12 to 2 and change quintets. According
almost photocopy of the first quarter (12-6) with a lot of missed opportunities for our counter-attacks and almost always made by the opponents.
Even the squirrels Olimpia interval helps to regain strength and precision, and the third quarter goes for 10 to 6.
Beautiful performance of the heart in the last period and won 14 to 8 for our kids ... that seem to understand that mirare al tabellone è il modo più facile per seganare da sottocanestro.
Una partita segnata fin da subito dagli errori in fase di tiro e dalla maggiore abitudine dei nostri avversari al gioco in spazi ristretti.
Continuiamo ad apprezzare le giocate corali che anche in questa partita sono state notevoli.
Adesso attendiamo il buon Orbassano e la striscia di partite in casa!
Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti 2, Bucci 2, Del Grande, Lanatà, Merlino, Nitica 8, Protano, Zupo 16. All. Scandurra, Fraire, Sassi.
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