Thursday, May 21, 2009

How Many Combinations Are In A Five Number Lock

evolves in the new "DON BOSCO Rivoli

Con una netta maggioranza Martedì 19 si è votato il cambiamento del nome della società.

La motivazione di base è nata dalla necessità di cambiare denominazione sociale in seguito alla scissione fra i salesiani e l'associazione PGS. Pertanto si sarebbe dovuto cambiare statuto per elidere quelle parti, a partire dal nome, che richiamavano il legame della nostra società con la PGS.

A questo punto il Direttivo accogliendo la mozione dei delegati del settore calcio, ha deciso di indire un'assemblea straordinaria dei soci (solo maggiorenni, per statuto) nella quale ha proposto di scegliere fra due opzioni: Olimpia Rivoli e Don Bosco Rivoli. The reasons for

explained the name change are many and you summarize the most important.

First you want to mark a moment in the name of historical change for the company, a slow and gradual transformation that has led Olimpia to grow from all points of view through the improvement of the technical staff who have asked for more commitment side of training, thanks to the improvement of facilities available (think of the synthetic calcium) because of the increased attention to the link sport and community (think of the renewed interest and success of the Celebration of Life in recent years), thanks to the will to face up to reality professional (eg agreement between us and the Olimpia Milano) and much more.

The proposed name of Don Bosco is also the sign of the desire to grow with respect to identity Salesian. In fact, the simple name is already well identify different aspects of society, including attitudes and style, as well as also the physical location thereof.

The name change is therefore the result of a process of change that has not been concluded and that rather ambitiously aims to create a club sound and solid. That means a sports club that has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits goals and achieves them with its own power.

The sporting development of society can not regardless of their Christian growth. Identify with Don Bosco also means putting the focus on young people and children, which also involves working with adults because they may be worthy masters not only at technical level.

What does the name change in practice for members?

On a practical level there are no immediate changes. The uniforms of teams will remain the same for the intended life cycle (2-4 years), suits idem.
Provision will then be presented a new logo at the start of next season.


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