Monday, May 4, 2009

What Do My Sinuses Look Like

Squirrels growing the game, now awaits the aim!

Squirrels Piossasco Alter 82 - Olimpia Rivoli: 24-9

fifth commitment in the league for our squirrels and conclusion of the first round against the same age Piossasco.

game immediately climb the first time that ends 6 to 0 for the hosts. A great game for our team did not materialize during the shooting.
Second quarter and in line with the first part of 8 to 2.

continue the actions of the chorale Rivoli but the increased precision of the opponents to prevent any recovery. Come back after

rest along the Olympia seems to have found the determination and concentration, and the third period is won by our 3 to 0. Few, but still good. Last quarter

poised until the end when piossaschesi mark the basket that brings them to benefit 6 to 4.

The score was affected by over-shooting errors in the first two quarters. On the positive side there are the many team games.

Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti, Bucci 1, Del Grande, Ghionda, Lanata, Merlin, Nitica 2, Proto, Siviero, Zupo 6. Herds Scandurra, Fraire.

Squirrels basketball Pinerolo - Olimpia Rivoli: 42 to 28

First day of second round in Pinerolo our children. The result certainly does not reward the play of the team that creates a lot of Rivoli, but achieves little in terms of baskets.

The game won the first leg may have created some excitement on the eve of too much that the hosts have been turned off: part of 12 to 2 and change quintets. According

almost photocopy of the first quarter (12-6) with a lot of missed opportunities for our counter-attacks and almost always made by the opponents.

Even the squirrels Olimpia interval helps to regain strength and precision, and the third quarter goes for 10 to 6.

Beautiful performance of the heart in the last period and won 14 to 8 for our kids ... that seem to understand that mirare al tabellone è il modo più facile per seganare da sottocanestro.

Una partita segnata fin da subito dagli errori in fase di tiro e dalla maggiore abitudine dei nostri avversari al gioco in spazi ristretti.
Continuiamo ad apprezzare le giocate corali che anche in questa partita sono state notevoli.

Adesso attendiamo il buon Orbassano e la striscia di partite in casa!

Olimpia Rivoli: Alberti, Antonetti 2, Bucci 2, Del Grande, Lanatà, Merlino, Nitica 8, Protano, Zupo 16. All. Scandurra, Fraire, Sassi.


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