Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tech Deck Competitions New York


Cercavo un dolcetto da sperimentare. Niente di troppo "pesante" o impegnativo nella preparazione. Così guardo un po' cosa c'è in dispensa e decido: oggi un nuovo esperimento con la farina di riso! Un dolce semplice, ma soffice e gustoso...buonissimoooooooo!
Consiglio di provarlo :)

150 gr di zucchero
4 uova
220 gr di burro
150 gr di farina di riso
150 gr di cornstarch 1 tablespoon baking

50 grams of cocoa

Work well sugar and butter warm. Add a little 'eggs at a time. Add hand gently, flour, starch, baking powder and sifted cocoa. I put a little 'flavor of the rum ^ _ ^
Pour into a buttered and floured mold and bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Silver Descargar

has long had a box of rice flour in the pantry and was looking for an opportunity to try it. So I found this recipe e. .. amazing! A soft candy, good and with a new taste from the usual cimbelle. Very good breakfast this morning ... :)

200 grams of rice flour
g butter 150 g sugar 3 eggs

125 gr
plain yogurt 1 tablespoon baking of bread Angels
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

are beginning to mount sugar and butter. Then add the egg yolks, yogurt (yesterday I realized that there was in the fridge and I used the Philadelphia ... very good all the same), flour, vanilla, baking powder. Finally, mix the egg whites. Using a mold of 22-24 cm and bake at 180 degrees for about 35 minutes.
You do cool e. ..
... bon appetit! ^ _ ^

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Washington Dc Tour Map


I wanted to try a new dessert, one of those classics that have almost afraid to try! So I opted for something completely different from the usual flavors that are used to enjoy. Curiosity led me to this cheesecake. A recipe for a cheesecake ... Belles of New York, wow!
So ... let's try:)

For the base:
125 g Digestive biscuits
60 g butter
2 tablespoons sugar

Mix ingredients and having a mold lined with parchment paper zip (18 cm), form the basis of this mixture, level. Place in fridge for half an hour.

1, mass: 450 g
a bit 'of lemon juice

2 eggs 150 g sugar

emulsify the ingredients with a mixer or blender . The mixture is liquid! Pour over biscuit base and bake, covered with aluminum foil at 150 degrees for 20 minutes. Leave in oven another 30 minutes off.

2 ° mass
200 g sour cream 2 tablespoons sugar

2 packets of vanilla

I have not found the sour cream and I did it instead with:
1 pot of greek yogurt
250 g of fresh cream
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Mix everything and leave you out of the refrigerator for 24 hours before use.

this is done, pour the cream on the compound before and bake again at 150 degrees for 10 minutes.
Allow to cool and then chill at least 8 hours.

La consistenza è come quella di una crema, ma in frigo si rapprende. Io l'ho preparata sabato mattina, per mangiarla domenica a pranzo. Non avendo uno stampo a cerniera così piccolo, ho foderato bene quello che avevo. Il dolce l'ho tirato fuori stamattina e l'ho decorato con la marmellata!!
Il giudizio???
Ancora non lo so...aspetto il pranzo per assaggiarlo e...sono mooooltoo curiosaaaaaaaa!!A più tardi.
Intanto, eccola...

Just tried it and I must admit that it is very delicate and special ...!
Test OVER .. ^ _ ^