Here are a couple of items you can find on the website of our partner and what de "La Stampa" recounting respectively the match report and reflections on the amazing continuity of performance of Siena.
The Scudetto is Siena 82-47 in the race
16/06/2009 - E’ una MontePaschi con tanta voglia di portare a casa il terzo Scudetto consecutivo, il quarto della sua storia, quella che è scesa questa sera al Mediolanum Forum. Pronti via e già nel primo quarto i senesi piazzano il break, 32-9 al 10’, che vale partita e titolo di campioni d’Italia. L’AJ ci prova, ma le tante energie nervose spese nella sfortunata gara3 di due giorni fa sempre davanti ai propri tifosi si fanno sentire e non permettono ai biancorossi di entrare mai in partita. Alla fine è festa grande per giocatori e staff della Mens Sana per uno Scudetto mai così meritato: in stagione sono infatti 39 le vittorie mensanine su 40 gare disputate, un vero e proprio record.
applause, great, even Olimpia Milano was able to straighten out a bad game of the season with a final championship won with merit on the ground that the pass is also valid for the next Euroleague.
The last note on the public, also very numerous in the stands tonight Mediolanum of the Forum, which supported and thanked their children, even when the race was largely impaired after initially closed at -30, for a season that has been able to give great satisfaction to the red and white fans. Check out the sprint
MontePaschi after 5'33''is ahead 14-7 with Milan already has two fouls with Marconi, fuori per Joey Beard, e Hollis Price, sostituito da Vitali. Gli ospiti in attacco colpiscono a ripetizione da lontano con Sato e Domercant per il primo vero allungo dei senesi con una Milano che fa fatica a costruire buoni tiri (23-9 a 3’ dalla fine). Un’altra tripla, questa volta di Terrell McIntyre, permette a Siena di allungare sul 26-9 che diventa poco dopo 28-9, a 1’23’’ dalla fine, grazie a una schiacciata imperiosa di Eze. Un tecnico alla panchina Olimpia permette agli ospiti di allungare ancora, mentre i biancorossi davvero non riescono a costruire un buon tiro. È ancora Eze sulla sirena del quarto a fissare il 32-9 per la MontePaschi con cui si chiude al 10’. Eloquente la valutazione con cui si va al primo mini Storage: 51 to -3 for the green and white.
Siena is a machine. It is still Kaukenas by three points to give 35-9 as yours. The Milanese finally unlock with Joey Beard 1'55''after the second period: well caught by Vitali, the number 19 jersey Armani Jeans supports the board the number 11 for his point. Vitali commits his third foul at 7'18''and the interval is called the bench for Hollis Price. Bucchi Katelynas try to move from number 5 with Mike Hall 4, but the music does not change with the guests el'Olimpia masters of the field, supported by its fans, which is hard, especially offensively to make open shots. A 5'14''by the end of the fourth Guests 40-11 lead with David Hawkins on the bezel: Hawk marks both free. Mike Hall tries to penetrate centrally, close it, falls to the ground and the referee's whistle Cerebuch unsportsmanlike foul from the foul line and that Kaukenas Lavrinovic three, resulting in a partial 5-0 for most of the guests on the new 45-13. Try to raise the defense of his Milan, but it is in attack that kids still do not produce anything Bucchi and 2'18''long break from the board says that Milan put on the scoresheet just 15 points against 47 opponents . Hawkins to offensive rebound and Minda Katelynas with a triple try in part to mend the rift, but Tomas Ress is a close with a dunk two hands for the first time 50-20 (75-5 Siena for the assessment team overall) of the hosts with which you go to sleep. Milan ended the first 20 'with 33% shooting overall and 48% of the team Pianigiani, but it is the voice turnovers / steals where we read that the real gap with Milan, compared with 5 recoveries, lost beauty of 15 balloons.
The Armani Jeans back on the floor after the break is un'Armani Jeans with a great desire to fight and resist, but the MPS is really a perfect machine that does not miss a shot and never lowers his guard: the maximum advantage comes with a triple phallus Kaukenas for 68-33 guests for less than 30'' dalla sirena del terzo quarto. Piove sul bagnato e Milano ha anche tanti problemi di falli: sono infatti 3 per Hall, Vitali, Price, Hawkins e Marconato, mentre da parte senese solo Stonerook ed Eze hanno tre fischi contro a carico. Si chiude il terzo quarto con Siena avanti 68-35; i tifosi biancoverdi iniziano la grande festa, mentre quelli biancorossi continuano a sostenere i propri ragazzi.
L’ultimo quarto vive sulla falsariga del resto della gara con i ragazzi in maglia Olimpia che continuano a lottare su ogni pallone senza però mai riuscire a scendere sotto la soglia dei 23 punti di scarto. Alla fine, mentre il pubblico del Forum ringrazia uno per uno tutti i protagonisti di questa bella stagione biancorossa, il tabellone dice 82-47 per gli Guests are rewarded on the field, to the applause of all present, the chairman of Valentino LegaBasket Renzi.
The series ends 4-0, Siena for another title rivals powerless system in crisis
Montepaschi won the third title in a row after a Game 4 that was the perfect combination of great Sienese part of the season: 50-20 interval, immediately sweeping away the last remaining hopes dell'Armani Jeans. The recovery becomes just a long wait for publication of a written verdict: 82-47. Can not beat the Mens Sana, difficult to cope with it if not for episodes. So the season ended with cheers of sympathy and understanding for Milan, the first of the land. Embittered Giorgio Armani, who still feels a duty to reassure the public square: "Whatever happens, I'm with them." But the question of whether this is a group to be confirmed, reply: "This is a different matter."
only one defeat in 44 competitive matches in Italy against the relegated Fortitudo Bologna, and almost always wins with differences in double figures: the supremacy of Siena this year was even more pronounced than in previous championships, as well as its role power and more inaccessible even to complain of possible opponents. And this is another sign of inferiority on the part of the Italian basketball league will review a discounted since Round 1.
The Montepaschi than the competition, more not only the skill but also some of the general organization, against opponents who prefer to do and undo years and rely on random luck rather than a consolidated program. So not really a case that, behind Siena, clubs that have come to wider shared projects: see the youth activities in Milan and Treviso or work in the territory of Biella, and Teramo. I'm not even surprising flops in Rome and Bologna of the two, for years assembled and dismantled for the sole joy of agents and their patients.
But the malaise is widespread and not only results in the league. Just think of the national club and international level: we do not win un'Eurolega since 2001 and the blue team, for obvious inferiority of staff, has blatantly failed all appointments since 2005. Beyond the substance, suffers in the Italian basketball shape. Media-existent, disappeared from the national TV in the clear, morbidly attached to Sky with a three-year term today and put in doubt by the issuer, alarmed by those (few) thousand of spectators who attend the commentary of the weekend: Saturday Night and Sunday at noon again Sunday night in time handicap. All for a figure that with the concurrence of Telecom Italy for the web, comes to about € 3.2 million a year by dividing by 16, ie € 200,000 to clubs, the cost of an American average value. This happens in a tax system that penalizes us compared to other European countries and in a situation where the almost total absence of merchandising and low box office revenues shrink the contribution of the key sponsors of the economic salvation of the club. Except in the examples of direct intervention of the property-sponsor (Armani, Benetton, Scavolini in part) and some cases of patronage (Toti in Rome), the rest is the art of getting by. Except
Siena. Where the institution provides good money Montepaschi since the project's global Minucci convinced the bank, the first riotous, to invest in the club and basketball. So good luck before, but Siena would make less but maybe to see additional victories, not the +35 last night.
Franco Montorro