This time no recipe to post.
I want to spend only two words to make my wishes. I am writing here, although I do not know if anyone is reading, if I write for me, if they remain here, as mere words.
But I like the idea that someone could go and I like that if someone was able to understand how heartily and sincerely write!
E 'came another Christmas, the 24th for me.
Yet I always feel a little girl. I'm happy, sad and then happy again!
I was all perfect. I would like with me all the people I care, I would like everyone smiling.
But not everyone lives this Christmas. I would not like expensive gifts, elegant clothing, furs and faces parade.
Voglio il mio Natale!!!
Quello che passo vedendo mia madre stanca, dopo aver preparato tante cose buone, quello degli ultimi preparativi, quello passato con la mia famiglia, che ride e scherza e che va d'accordo. Voglio il Natale dove i regali siano dei pensierini e siano fatti col cuore. Voglio vedere mille sorrisi e voglio che si capisca perchè siamo tutti felici. Voglio andare a messa e dire: " Solo TU hai il potere di riunire tutti!! Anche chi non crede, almeno a Natale un pizzico di bontà, di affetto o di magia, prova a viverlo!"
Che ci si riunisce per mangiare e abboffarsi di dolci e pranzi interminabili..ben venga!
E 'occasion, a celebration and should be celebrated as best we believe.
I live by that magical simplicity and hope for you.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
What Color Does Each Rubber Bracklet Mean
Per voi :-)
Vorrei dirvi tante things ... but I'm not good with words:)
Thank you, thank you for being there and to have shared with me this year of recovery after having children of my blog!
Whether it's a happy Christmas and a sensational 2011, Congratulations!
Panettoncino for you
Dissolve the yeast in warm milk until it becomes creamy. Sift flour with sugar, join the lemon zest, nutmeg, a pinch of salt and chocolate drops. Mix well. Add eggs and melted butter and planetary work the dough with the hook to spiral slowly adding to the wire milk and baking powder until will omeogeneo (the dough will be quite soft). Transfer to a bowl and let rise in a warm for at least half an hour. Resume knead the dough on a floured work surface and divide into 10 equal parts from which they form little balls. Lightly grease the muffin tins and fill them with the balls of dough. Allow to rest for about 20 '. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 '. Remove from oven and let cool completely. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. They last a couple of days if kept in tightly closed bags.
We summarize the ingredients
for about 10 pieces
• 300gr di farina 00 + 2 cucchiai
• 2 uova codice 0
• 3 cucchiai di zucchero
• 2 cucchiai di gocce di cioccolato
• 21gr di lievito di birra fresco
• 125ml di latte
• 60gr di burro
• un pizzico di sale
• una grattugiata di noce moscata
• due cucchiai di buccia di limone grattugiata
• zucchero a velo per decorare
e con questa fotografia partecipo all'ultimo contest dell'anno per me, dispiacendomi di aver dovuto tralasciarne alcuni per mancanza di tempo, non me ne voliate :-(
Ci si rilegge In January, we set out for the mountains! With sincere affection
Vorrei dirvi tante things ... but I'm not good with words:)
Thank you, thank you for being there and to have shared with me this year of recovery after having children of my blog!
Whether it's a happy Christmas and a sensational 2011, Congratulations!
Panettoncino for you
Dissolve the yeast in warm milk until it becomes creamy. Sift flour with sugar, join the lemon zest, nutmeg, a pinch of salt and chocolate drops. Mix well. Add eggs and melted butter and planetary work the dough with the hook to spiral slowly adding to the wire milk and baking powder until will omeogeneo (the dough will be quite soft). Transfer to a bowl and let rise in a warm for at least half an hour. Resume knead the dough on a floured work surface and divide into 10 equal parts from which they form little balls. Lightly grease the muffin tins and fill them with the balls of dough. Allow to rest for about 20 '. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 '. Remove from oven and let cool completely. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. They last a couple of days if kept in tightly closed bags.
We summarize the ingredients
for about 10 pieces
• 300gr di farina 00 + 2 cucchiai
• 2 uova codice 0
• 3 cucchiai di zucchero
• 2 cucchiai di gocce di cioccolato
• 21gr di lievito di birra fresco
• 125ml di latte
• 60gr di burro
• un pizzico di sale
• una grattugiata di noce moscata
• due cucchiai di buccia di limone grattugiata
• zucchero a velo per decorare
e con questa fotografia partecipo all'ultimo contest dell'anno per me, dispiacendomi di aver dovuto tralasciarne alcuni per mancanza di tempo, non me ne voliate :-(
Ci si rilegge In January, we set out for the mountains! With sincere affection
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Small Lump On Bum Hole
1, 2, 3... Biscotti!!!
No food or quasi-blogger in this period does not publish recipes and photos of cookies. The toasted joined part of my life recently, that since I knew I should not be afraid to use in industrial quantities on pastry flour for the dough just to carve without sticking everywhere and that :-) If I leave the dough overnight in the fridge is even better ...
So Sunday, as I announced in my previous post, I baked cookies in enormi quantità che sono finiti in sacchetti, sacchettini e scatoline come regalo di Natale per parenti e amici, oltre che nel goloso pancino di mio figlio... :-)
Stelle al limone - biscottini croccanti grazie alla farina di polenta macinata grossa con un pizzico di freschezza data dal limone
per TANTI biscotti
• 250gr di burro ammorbidito
• 250gr di zucchero
• 4 tuorli
• la buccia di due limoni
• 360gr di farina 00
• 220gr di farina di polenta macinata grossa
• zucchero a velo per decorare
Lavorare a lungo il burro con lo zucchero fino a farlo diventare una crema (io ho usato l'impastatrice con il gancio a foglia). Aggiungere i tuorli uno alla volta sempre mescolando e la buccia grattugiata dei due limoni. Unire la farina di polenta e mescolare ancora. Setacciare quindi la farina 00 e unirla all'impasto, che risulterà abbastanza duro. Formare una palla e lasciarla riposare in frigo per una notte (opzionale, secondo me si può tirare anche subito). Stendere quindi una sfoglia di circa 1cm di spessore ed intagliare i biscotti. Cuocerli a 160° per circa 20' o fino a quando risultano dorati. Lasciar raffreddare completamente prima di cospargerli di zucchero a velo.
Alberelli al cacao e fava tonka recipe taken from her (and therefore a guarantee) for these cookies that smell good and away with this spice that was kindly donated by my dear friend's blog Wenny (and she always :-)))
here for MANY
biscuits • 350g of farina00
• 250g butter • 120g sugar • 2 eggs
code 0
• 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
• 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
• 1 • tonka bean
icing sugar to decorate
In a large bowl combine the flour sifted with two sugars, bitter chocolate and fava grated (I have ground to a powder with mortar). Stir and add cold butter cut into small pieces small fridge and work with all the hook-leaf of the mixer until mixture is sandy. Then add the eggs, stirring until dough is smooth and without lumps. Form a ball and keep in the fridge preferably overnight (Highly recommended here because the dough is very soft). Spread a sheet of 5mm and then on a floured surface and carve the cookies. Bake at 180 degrees for about 15 '. Allow to cool completely before you sprinkle them with icing sugar. The original recipe here
Well yes, it was a lavorone, stretch, carving, open and close the oven ... at one point seemed to end up more ... :-) But then what satisfaction yesterday when I handed over the first parcels and people were more than happy gift!
very good day to you all!
So Sunday, as I announced in my previous post, I baked cookies in enormi quantità che sono finiti in sacchetti, sacchettini e scatoline come regalo di Natale per parenti e amici, oltre che nel goloso pancino di mio figlio... :-)
Stelle al limone - biscottini croccanti grazie alla farina di polenta macinata grossa con un pizzico di freschezza data dal limone
per TANTI biscotti
• 250gr di burro ammorbidito
• 250gr di zucchero
• 4 tuorli
• la buccia di due limoni
• 360gr di farina 00
• 220gr di farina di polenta macinata grossa
• zucchero a velo per decorare
Lavorare a lungo il burro con lo zucchero fino a farlo diventare una crema (io ho usato l'impastatrice con il gancio a foglia). Aggiungere i tuorli uno alla volta sempre mescolando e la buccia grattugiata dei due limoni. Unire la farina di polenta e mescolare ancora. Setacciare quindi la farina 00 e unirla all'impasto, che risulterà abbastanza duro. Formare una palla e lasciarla riposare in frigo per una notte (opzionale, secondo me si può tirare anche subito). Stendere quindi una sfoglia di circa 1cm di spessore ed intagliare i biscotti. Cuocerli a 160° per circa 20' o fino a quando risultano dorati. Lasciar raffreddare completamente prima di cospargerli di zucchero a velo.
Alberelli al cacao e fava tonka recipe taken from her (and therefore a guarantee) for these cookies that smell good and away with this spice that was kindly donated by my dear friend's blog Wenny (and she always :-)))
here for MANY
biscuits • 350g of farina00
• 250g butter • 120g sugar • 2 eggs
code 0
• 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
• 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
• 1 • tonka bean
icing sugar to decorate
In a large bowl combine the flour sifted with two sugars, bitter chocolate and fava grated (I have ground to a powder with mortar). Stir and add cold butter cut into small pieces small fridge and work with all the hook-leaf of the mixer until mixture is sandy. Then add the eggs, stirring until dough is smooth and without lumps. Form a ball and keep in the fridge preferably overnight (Highly recommended here because the dough is very soft). Spread a sheet of 5mm and then on a floured surface and carve the cookies. Bake at 180 degrees for about 15 '. Allow to cool completely before you sprinkle them with icing sugar. The original recipe here
Well yes, it was a lavorone, stretch, carving, open and close the oven ... at one point seemed to end up more ... :-) But then what satisfaction yesterday when I handed over the first parcels and people were more than happy gift!
very good day to you all!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Gangbang Caught On Mobile
Freddo! Freddo! Freddo!
Hello! who say they are exhausted from the cold, this is what I call "cold raw.
Un freddo crudo e silenzioso . Almeno per ora ci stiamo risparmiando la Bora, che credetemi se arriva con il sotto zero è meglio chiudersi in casa e non uscire, perché ti taglia la faccia ed il freddo ti entra ovunque...
A tal proposito mi ricordo di una volta tanti anni fa che un mio amico da Milano è venuto a trovarmi per Natale... ed era uno di quei Natali grigi, freddi e con la Bora scura (ossia il vento che arriva con delle nuvolone nere e che dicono duri almeno tre giorni) e mi ha detto "Voi siete matti, ma come fare a resistere..."
Quindi capirete che per scaldare le ossa non faccio altro che preparare zuppe e minestre
Questa è quite similar to this I realized that to be the most read post on my blog ... If we put that I have a huge Zuccona comes out to eat something fragrant and cuddly :-)
rustic soup of pumpkin and rosemary
Peel the onions in slices not too thin and fry together with the sprig of rosemary in a heavy-bottomed saucepan with a little olive oil and a tablespoon of water so they do not burn. Peel the potatoes and peel the pumpkin. Cut vegetables into small pieces, add to the mixture, add salt and cook over high heat. Cover with vegetable stock, bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and cook for 20 minutes or until the vegetables are soft (if necessary add broth if necessary). At this point remove from heat and blend with blender "here and there" in order to make the soup almost creamy (but this is my taste, you can also turn it into a velvety), pepper and salt.
In a pan roast the fat-free sunflower seeds for a few minutes so as to give off their aroma. Serve the soup in individual dishes with a teaspoon of toasted seeds for each and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil raw.
We summarize the ingredients for 4 people
• 2 bunches of spring onions 400g small
• Pumpkin violina
• 2 medium potatoes • 1 or 2 sprigs of rosemary, depending on personal taste
1 liter of vegetable broth • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil •
• salt and pepper
Very good weekend, I go on to churn out cookie :-)
Information Service :-) ps
and I Wenny, continuing with our ' mail and conference, and thanks to its signaling, we decided to enter our recipe prawn tails the scent of vanilla and chocolate sauce with saffron rice thai " (see previous post) in the contest organized by cuisine Blog - Saffron yellow in collaboration with chocolate Gardini brothers dedicated to savory dishes with chocolate. Hold fingers crossed for us? Thanks :-)
historic photo of Bora taken from the Internet |
Hello! who say they are exhausted from the cold, this is what I call "cold raw.
Un freddo crudo e silenzioso . Almeno per ora ci stiamo risparmiando la Bora, che credetemi se arriva con il sotto zero è meglio chiudersi in casa e non uscire, perché ti taglia la faccia ed il freddo ti entra ovunque...
A tal proposito mi ricordo di una volta tanti anni fa che un mio amico da Milano è venuto a trovarmi per Natale... ed era uno di quei Natali grigi, freddi e con la Bora scura (ossia il vento che arriva con delle nuvolone nere e che dicono duri almeno tre giorni) e mi ha detto "Voi siete matti, ma come fare a resistere..."
Quindi capirete che per scaldare le ossa non faccio altro che preparare zuppe e minestre
Questa è quite similar to this I realized that to be the most read post on my blog ... If we put that I have a huge Zuccona comes out to eat something fragrant and cuddly :-)
rustic soup of pumpkin and rosemary
Peel the onions in slices not too thin and fry together with the sprig of rosemary in a heavy-bottomed saucepan with a little olive oil and a tablespoon of water so they do not burn. Peel the potatoes and peel the pumpkin. Cut vegetables into small pieces, add to the mixture, add salt and cook over high heat. Cover with vegetable stock, bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and cook for 20 minutes or until the vegetables are soft (if necessary add broth if necessary). At this point remove from heat and blend with blender "here and there" in order to make the soup almost creamy (but this is my taste, you can also turn it into a velvety), pepper and salt.
In a pan roast the fat-free sunflower seeds for a few minutes so as to give off their aroma. Serve the soup in individual dishes with a teaspoon of toasted seeds for each and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil raw.
We summarize the ingredients for 4 people
• 2 bunches of spring onions 400g small
• Pumpkin violina
• 2 medium potatoes • 1 or 2 sprigs of rosemary, depending on personal taste
1 liter of vegetable broth • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil •
• salt and pepper
Very good weekend, I go on to churn out cookie :-)
Information Service :-) ps
and I Wenny, continuing with our ' mail and conference, and thanks to its signaling, we decided to enter our recipe prawn tails the scent of vanilla and chocolate sauce with saffron rice thai " (see previous post) in the contest organized by cuisine Blog - Saffron yellow in collaboration with chocolate Gardini brothers dedicated to savory dishes with chocolate. Hold fingers crossed for us? Thanks :-)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
3rd Birthday Party Wording
Unite virtualmente A bread in the kitchen
The blogosphere is a girl ...
A very special girl, nice, sweet and gentle.
A girl who wants to be a citizen of the world e che prende il tè tra le farfalle.
Una ragazza che fotografa fiori e cucina nel bosco.
Una ragazza che il destino ha voluto mettere sulla mia strada anche con lo Swap Cibinlibri .
Una ragazza con un blog bellissimo che non mi stufo mai di leggere e da dove traspare tutta la sua dolcezza, il suo profumo di pulito e la sua positività.
E poi ci sono io, un'altra ragazza (un po più vecchiotta) che come lei adora cucinare, leggere, fotografare, mangiare frutta e verdura di stagione e mettere il pesce come portata principale al pranzo di Natale.
Io, che appena ho visto il suo contest non ho potuto fare a meno di pensare a questa ragazza per parteciparvi. And this girl did not hesitate a single minute to accept my proposal to work together and with more enthusiasm.
And so, with my first e-mail and many other after we started our adventure
:-) So you know who I mean?? I'm talking about YOU
, the beautiful Wenny. Have you come to have a look what we have done together ...
and here is our recipe loooong particular fish says, with which we participate in the contest. Recipe un pò strana ma vi assicuro assai golosa :-)
Code di gamberone al profumo di vaniglia in salsa al cioccolato e riso thai allo zafferano
Ingredienti per 4 persone
per le code di gamberone:
• code di gamberone 16/20 (dipende dalla grandezza), sgusciate con la codina intera olio evo
• vino bianco ½ bicchiere
• timo fresco 1 rametto
• vaniglia 1/3 baccello
• fior di sale
per la salsa:
• cioccolato fondente all’70% tritato grossolanamente 20 g shallots 2
• • tomato paste ½ teaspoon salt
• • • extra virgin olive oil
vegetable broth for the rice: 160 gr thai rice
• •
some saffron pistils
• Salt • Oil for stir
For the sauce: Peel and finely slice the onions, heat a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a heavy bottomed pan and fry, use a spoonful of broth. Add the tomato paste and chocolate, stir and let it melt, stretching with more broth if necessary. Transfer the glass in the blender and blend the sauce more shooting. Keep warm.
For rice: cook in a little water (twice the volume to max) salt for the time indicated on the package, when half cooked add some saffron and salt to taste. Cream with a dribble of olive oil and divide it into four domes, then pull out when Serve.
For the prawn tails: while the rice is cooking fry in a pan with a little oil, pour the wine, toss a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. Salted and seasoned with thyme and vanilla seeds, scraped off the pods with a boxcutter.
To Serve: Prepare a glass with chocolate sauce and 4 code for Lie down flat, side by side with a dome of rice.
The recipe comes from this book, and clearly foodblogger two together could not fail to make any personal changes among which the vanilla bean (Wenny idea) that is fits perfectly! ! Try it, do not be stopped by this unusual combination, the bitter aroma of chocolate goes well with shellfish.
What to say? It 'was a great experience for which I thank Genny ... I have only one regret ... I would really like to cook together with Wenny / Sara in the flesh Even in my kitchen as micro old friends along with their cameras taking pictures of their creation strangest and most unexpected places of the house (and you know what I mean:)). Who knows maybe one day, life is full of surprises in the meantime I hope the beginning of a friendship ... a bit like a child I had the pen pal ... Wenny a kiss!
The blogosphere is a girl ...
A very special girl, nice, sweet and gentle.
A girl who wants to be a citizen of the world e che prende il tè tra le farfalle.
Una ragazza che fotografa fiori e cucina nel bosco.
Una ragazza che il destino ha voluto mettere sulla mia strada anche con lo Swap Cibinlibri .
Una ragazza con un blog bellissimo che non mi stufo mai di leggere e da dove traspare tutta la sua dolcezza, il suo profumo di pulito e la sua positività.
E poi ci sono io, un'altra ragazza (un po più vecchiotta) che come lei adora cucinare, leggere, fotografare, mangiare frutta e verdura di stagione e mettere il pesce come portata principale al pranzo di Natale.
Io, che appena ho visto il suo contest non ho potuto fare a meno di pensare a questa ragazza per parteciparvi. And this girl did not hesitate a single minute to accept my proposal to work together and with more enthusiasm.
And so, with my first e-mail and many other after we started our adventure
:-) So you know who I mean?? I'm talking about YOU
, the beautiful Wenny. Have you come to have a look what we have done together ...
and here is our recipe loooong particular fish says, with which we participate in the contest. Recipe un pò strana ma vi assicuro assai golosa :-)
Code di gamberone al profumo di vaniglia in salsa al cioccolato e riso thai allo zafferano
Ingredienti per 4 persone
per le code di gamberone:
• code di gamberone 16/20 (dipende dalla grandezza), sgusciate con la codina intera olio evo
• vino bianco ½ bicchiere
• timo fresco 1 rametto
• vaniglia 1/3 baccello
• fior di sale
per la salsa:
• cioccolato fondente all’70% tritato grossolanamente 20 g shallots 2
• • tomato paste ½ teaspoon salt
• • • extra virgin olive oil
vegetable broth for the rice: 160 gr thai rice
• •
some saffron pistils
• Salt • Oil for stir
For the sauce: Peel and finely slice the onions, heat a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in a heavy bottomed pan and fry, use a spoonful of broth. Add the tomato paste and chocolate, stir and let it melt, stretching with more broth if necessary. Transfer the glass in the blender and blend the sauce more shooting. Keep warm.
For rice: cook in a little water (twice the volume to max) salt for the time indicated on the package, when half cooked add some saffron and salt to taste. Cream with a dribble of olive oil and divide it into four domes, then pull out when Serve.
For the prawn tails: while the rice is cooking fry in a pan with a little oil, pour the wine, toss a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. Salted and seasoned with thyme and vanilla seeds, scraped off the pods with a boxcutter.
To Serve: Prepare a glass with chocolate sauce and 4 code for Lie down flat, side by side with a dome of rice.
The recipe comes from this book, and clearly foodblogger two together could not fail to make any personal changes among which the vanilla bean (Wenny idea) that is fits perfectly! ! Try it, do not be stopped by this unusual combination, the bitter aroma of chocolate goes well with shellfish.
What to say? It 'was a great experience for which I thank Genny ... I have only one regret ... I would really like to cook together with Wenny / Sara in the flesh Even in my kitchen as micro old friends along with their cameras taking pictures of their creation strangest and most unexpected places of the house (and you know what I mean:)). Who knows maybe one day, life is full of surprises in the meantime I hope the beginning of a friendship ... a bit like a child I had the pen pal ... Wenny a kiss!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Star War Pine Wood Derby Car
- Christmas cake
not even need to say that the recipe is taken from the book usually true? Among other things, despite the presence of rosemary is also good with jam for breakfast with a caloric cold there this time :-) Here is the recipe that is very similar to this .
Bread - cake with figs and rosemary
In a large bowl combine the flours, eggs lightly beaten, milk, oil e la presa di sale. Mescolare bene affinché non ci siano grumi ed aggiungere i fichi tagliati a pezzettini ed il rosmarino tritato finemente. Unire per ultimo il lievito e mescolare delicatamente. Versare il composto in uno stampo da plum-cake oleato ed infornare a 180° per circa 50'. Sfornare, sformare e lasciar raffreddare su una gratella.
Servire freddo. Vi consiglio di preparalo il giorno prima... dopo è ancora più buono :-)
Vi riassumo gli ingredienti
• 150gr di farina integrale
• 150gr di farina di farro
• 3 uova codice 0
• 25cl di latte
• 7cl di olio di mais
• 1 presa abbondante di sale
• 1 bustina
baking powder • 2 handfuls of dried figs • 1 sprig of rosemary
Without the Christmas tree? just look here ... my little helper :-))
very good week!
ps I inform you that came out of the No. 1 quarterly Aboutfood all dedicated to Christmas. If you have not already done so well and beautiful :-) sfogliatelo
Actually I am that I decided to define this Christmas bread ... because when I have guests for dinner I always tend to serve many of the loaves and original. So this, with dried fruit for me is synonymous with this festival, may well be served at Christmas dinner perhaps with salami and cheese, slurp!
not even need to say that the recipe is taken from the book usually true? Among other things, despite the presence of rosemary is also good with jam for breakfast with a caloric cold there this time :-) Here is the recipe that is very similar to this .
Bread - cake with figs and rosemary
In a large bowl combine the flours, eggs lightly beaten, milk, oil e la presa di sale. Mescolare bene affinché non ci siano grumi ed aggiungere i fichi tagliati a pezzettini ed il rosmarino tritato finemente. Unire per ultimo il lievito e mescolare delicatamente. Versare il composto in uno stampo da plum-cake oleato ed infornare a 180° per circa 50'. Sfornare, sformare e lasciar raffreddare su una gratella.
Servire freddo. Vi consiglio di preparalo il giorno prima... dopo è ancora più buono :-)
Vi riassumo gli ingredienti
• 150gr di farina integrale
• 150gr di farina di farro
• 3 uova codice 0
• 25cl di latte
• 7cl di olio di mais
• 1 presa abbondante di sale
• 1 bustina
baking powder • 2 handfuls of dried figs • 1 sprig of rosemary
Without the Christmas tree? just look here ... my little helper :-))
very good week!
ps I inform you that came out of the No. 1 quarterly Aboutfood all dedicated to Christmas. If you have not already done so well and beautiful :-) sfogliatelo
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hit Back Of Head Gumline Hurts
Good day!
I'm still me, hihihihi ^ _ ^
This time with a recipe, which I believe has already been proven by many of you. It 's simple, but goodness ... Hmmmm!
may be different each time, chocolate, jam, cream ... all This tells us that the imagination!
Monday I tried it with Nutella! ^ _ ^
200g flour 00
170g sugar 170g butter, softened
2uova + 1 egg yolk beaten with a fork
yeast 1 tablespoon grated lemon or rum
a pinch of salt
It starts with dry ingredients and then add the lemon or rum, eggs and soft butter in the end. There will be a mixture consisting of beautiful, to be coated in a pan of 26 cm, lined with parchment paper. Once the level pasta, are made with the back of a spoon, the fossettine, which should be filled with whatever you want!
It then bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
The picture is not very good ... when am referring to the change: D
How To Record Service Hours For College
And here I am already with a new recipe!
In truth, lately I've often been in the kitchen and I like to try new things.
So for Monday and then at onomastics Mom, I made this cake, simple e molto gustosa.
200 gr di farina 00
2 uova
100 gr di zucchero
1 confezione di panna da cucina (200 mL)
1 bustina di lievito
4 cucchiai di olio di semi
1 confezione di ananas
zucchero al velo
Si comincia a sbattere bene le uova con lo zucchero, finchè diventano chiare. Sempre lavorando si aggiungono gli ingredienti con quest'ordine: olio, mezza confezione di panna, farina, lievito e il resto della panna. Verrà un composto non molle, but consistent!
is poured into a pan of 24 cm, lined with greaseproof paper and recline on the slices of pineapple. It is baked at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes and you'll get this result ....
And here I am already with a new recipe!
In truth, lately I've often been in the kitchen and I like to try new things.
So for Monday and then at onomastics Mom, I made this cake, simple e molto gustosa.
200 gr di farina 00
2 uova
100 gr di zucchero
1 confezione di panna da cucina (200 mL)
1 bustina di lievito
4 cucchiai di olio di semi
1 confezione di ananas
zucchero al velo
Si comincia a sbattere bene le uova con lo zucchero, finchè diventano chiare. Sempre lavorando si aggiungono gli ingredienti con quest'ordine: olio, mezza confezione di panna, farina, lievito e il resto della panna. Verrà un composto non molle, but consistent!
is poured into a pan of 24 cm, lined with greaseproof paper and recline on the slices of pineapple. It is baked at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes and you'll get this result ....
Praetorian Insurance Company
Hey ^ _ ^
After so long, here I am! I came back with a recipe strepitosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:)
I spent years wondering if I could make good croissants, such as those of the bar. Too much butter? And the pasta? How it works? And if they are not good? And if you do not know? Butto everything?
And so I informed, I read dozens of recipes and in the end, I decided to try.
The result?
Unfortunately I have great pictures, because they disappeared in an instant, but at least give an idea:)
need a lot of good will, time e..:
250 grams of flour Manitoba
250 grams of flour 00
75 g sugar 75 g butter
5 grams of salt
2 small eggs
zest. lemon and orange
115 ml of water
18 g of yeast
200 grams of butter (for browsing)
After so long, here I am! I came back with a recipe strepitosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:)
I spent years wondering if I could make good croissants, such as those of the bar. Too much butter? And the pasta? How it works? And if they are not good? And if you do not know? Butto everything?
And so I informed, I read dozens of recipes and in the end, I decided to try.
The result?
Unfortunately I have great pictures, because they disappeared in an instant, but at least give an idea:)
need a lot of good will, time e..:
250 grams of flour Manitoba
250 grams of flour 00
75 g sugar 75 g butter
5 grams of salt
2 small eggs
zest. lemon and orange
115 ml of water
18 g of yeast
200 grams of butter (for browsing)
Dissolve yeast in water and add it to 2 / 3 of the flour. Knead. Add one egg at a time. Add more flour, leaving 2 tablespoons sugar by then.
Working for about 10 minutes. Take up the mixture and add salt, butter, lemon and orange peels and the remaining flour. Mix well and cover with plastic wrap and leave in refrigerator for 8 hours.
to the folds and the shape of croissants, I report to the site from which I got the recipe, will definitely be more clear:)
http://aniceecannella.blogspot.com/2009/02/il-croissant francese.html-
Once trained, I have them stored in the freezer.
We hunt the night before and the morning after they are brushed with milk, are baked at 220 degrees for 5-6 minutes or 180 ° for 8-9 minutes.
They're great!
butter and then almost does not feel are fragrant e.. Try them, it's worth it!
Working for about 10 minutes. Take up the mixture and add salt, butter, lemon and orange peels and the remaining flour. Mix well and cover with plastic wrap and leave in refrigerator for 8 hours.
to the folds and the shape of croissants, I report to the site from which I got the recipe, will definitely be more clear:)
http://aniceecannella.blogspot.com/2009/02/il-croissant francese.html-
Once trained, I have them stored in the freezer.
We hunt the night before and the morning after they are brushed with milk, are baked at 220 degrees for 5-6 minutes or 180 ° for 8-9 minutes.
They're great!
butter and then almost does not feel are fragrant e.. Try them, it's worth it!
And voila ...
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