Friday, December 17, 2010

Gangbang Caught On Mobile

Freddo! Freddo! Freddo!

historic photo of Bora taken from the Internet

Hello! who say they are exhausted from the cold, this is what I call "cold raw.

Un  freddo crudo e silenzioso . Almeno per ora ci stiamo risparmiando la Bora, che credetemi se arriva con il sotto zero è meglio chiudersi in casa e non uscire, perché ti taglia la faccia ed il freddo ti entra ovunque...

A tal proposito mi ricordo di una volta tanti anni fa che un mio amico da Milano è venuto a trovarmi per Natale... ed era uno di quei Natali grigi, freddi e con la Bora scura (ossia il vento che arriva con delle nuvolone nere e che dicono duri almeno tre giorni) e mi ha detto "Voi siete matti, ma come fare a resistere..."

Quindi capirete che per scaldare le ossa non faccio altro che preparare zuppe e minestre
Questa è quite similar to this I realized that to be the most read post on my blog ... If we put that I have a huge Zuccona comes out to eat something fragrant and cuddly :-)

rustic soup of pumpkin and rosemary

Peel the onions in slices not too thin and fry together with the sprig of rosemary in a heavy-bottomed saucepan with a little olive oil and a tablespoon of water so they do not burn. Peel the potatoes and peel the pumpkin. Cut vegetables into small pieces, add to the mixture, add salt and cook over high heat. Cover with vegetable stock, bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and cook for 20 minutes or until the vegetables are soft (if necessary add broth if necessary). At this point remove from heat and blend with blender "here and there" in order to make the soup almost creamy (but this is my taste, you can also turn it into a velvety), pepper and salt.
In a pan roast the fat-free sunflower seeds for a few minutes so as to give off their aroma. Serve the soup in individual dishes with a teaspoon of toasted seeds for each and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil raw.

We summarize the ingredients for 4 people

2 bunches of spring onions 400g small
• Pumpkin violina

• 2 medium potatoes • 1 or 2 sprigs of rosemary, depending on personal taste

1 liter of vegetable broth • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil •
• salt and pepper

Very good weekend, I go on to churn out cookie :-)


Information Service :-) ps

and I Wenny, continuing with our ' mail and conference, and thanks to its signaling, we decided to enter our recipe prawn tails the scent of vanilla and chocolate sauce with saffron rice thai " (see previous post) in the contest organized by cuisine Blog - Saffron yellow in collaboration with chocolate Gardini brothers dedicated to savory dishes with chocolate. Hold fingers crossed for us? Thanks :-)


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