Yesterday was the birthday of my mother, and like every year, I prepare the cake.
this time with lemon cream ... delicious!
News ... the famous sugar paste. The recipe I have prepared the site Wired New York. A paste of sugar without glucose, but with honey. It 'good, fast and effect. You can create many things and I created this ...
... I hope you like it!
good week: o)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Kate's Playground Real Name
Ancora una!
is nothing left that I do not cuddle up with something fresh, homemade pizza with my husband and some velvety soft, warm as this.
is still a cuddle. Here, besides the sun that was the terminus for a day and with the Bora (my friend, I recommend not try too hard ...) I was also presented, without even knocking on the door, a beautiful cold to me confined to home for the we ... short, but how wonderful!
is nothing left that I do not cuddle up with something fresh, homemade pizza with my husband and some velvety soft, warm as this.
Yeah, I guess that the combination may seem a bit strange ... but how many times have we seen an apple with fennel and orange for a healthy salad?? Behold, here I propose again the clearly no citrus in the form of soup. Will not be disappointed, the taste is very delicate, fresh I would say almost "clean" and a little detox ... Last thing that is very fashionable:)
Cream of fennel and apple
Soup recipe taken from all the days of St. Grigson ed. New techniques
- 600g fennel clean
- 3 celery stalks with green leaves
- 2 leeks 1 clove garlic
- 1 apple tart
- extra virgin olive oil
- salt
- about 750ml vegetable stock
Tagliare il finocchio a pezzetti. Lavare le coste di sedano e tritarle assieme alla mela sbucciata e senza torsolo. Affettare sottilmente i porri. In una pentola dal fondo pesante far appassire i porri in due cucchiai di olio, aggiungere lo spicchio d'aglio e far insaporire. Unire quindi le restanti verdure ed un pizzico di sale. Coprire e far cuocere per 10'. Versare il brodo e far sobollire per 15 di minuti o comunque finché il finocchio non sarà morbido. Lasciar raffreddare un attimo e frullare quindi la verdura con il mixer fino ad ottenere la consistenza desiderata. Aggiustare di sale e servire.
E' una zuppa che volendo può venir consumata anche fredda, da provare!
hope that the toothache that I started last night is something "passing", or simply pampering here is better to go to Lourdes, I wish you a wonderful week! :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Electric Canoe Trailer Bike
Ceci + Zucca...
... is now my comfort food :)
These are things that just happen. Arise because the fridge is a piece of pumpkin to eat, in the freezer because there are already cooked chickpeas and because I have a child in the house when I rediscovered the paste format mignon :-)
So without too much reading and leafing recipes books, but with his own imagination (and not so much to tell the truth) comes out something suitable for cuddling and comforting these days that unfortunately continue to be gray and gloomy.
So I wanted to christen this ill-defined soup-soup-pasta (could be all three things) my comfort food because the color and scent that emanated has really put the smile back on his lips and made me think that well, it gets worse in the world at 90% moisture and clouds of gray and then let us say the color reminds me the sun is not it? By the way, but what is sole??? non ricordo bene ...
Pasta, zucca e ceci
per 3 persone
Sapete cosa? mi sa che stare lo rifaccio :)
Un abbraccio all
... is now my comfort food :)
These are things that just happen. Arise because the fridge is a piece of pumpkin to eat, in the freezer because there are already cooked chickpeas and because I have a child in the house when I rediscovered the paste format mignon :-)
So without too much reading and leafing recipes books, but with his own imagination (and not so much to tell the truth) comes out something suitable for cuddling and comforting these days that unfortunately continue to be gray and gloomy.
So I wanted to christen this ill-defined soup-soup-pasta (could be all three things) my comfort food because the color and scent that emanated has really put the smile back on his lips and made me think that well, it gets worse in the world at 90% moisture and clouds of gray and then let us say the color reminds me the sun is not it? By the way, but what is sole??? non ricordo bene ...
Pasta, zucca e ceci
per 3 persone
- mezza zucca mantovana di piccole dimensioni
- 200gr di ceci cotti
- 1 porro
- 1 spicchio d'aglio
- 1 rametto di rosmarino
- brodo vegetale
- 100gr di pastina di kamut
- olio evo
- sale
- pepe
- pecorino stagionato
Sapete cosa? mi sa che stare lo rifaccio :)
Un abbraccio all
Monday, January 24, 2011
Amy Paid For A Pair Of Running Shoes
E per restare in tema...
of snails or snails, whatever you want here you a candy / cookie / pastry just remember that their shape.
's one of those things to prepare if you have little time or little desire to cook, short-proof clumsy as I say:)
have enough home-prepared puff pastry and nuts and that's it. Remember a little for Kanelbullar Swedes, mainly due to the presence in the flavor of cinnamon - but clearly much less time-consuming to prepare.
I have made for the first time cena della vigilia di Natale proprio perché a corto di tempo e mi sono piaciuti molto così li ho già replicati :) Provate!
Chioccioline di sfoglia e noci
per circa 30 biscotti
ricetta tratta da Biscotti di Ilona Chovancova
Optionally you can also roll the dough on both sides toward the center in order to obtain the fan-shaped, short, how do you like best.
Very good continuation of weeks
of snails or snails, whatever you want here you a candy / cookie / pastry just remember that their shape.
's one of those things to prepare if you have little time or little desire to cook, short-proof clumsy as I say:)
have enough home-prepared puff pastry and nuts and that's it. Remember a little for Kanelbullar Swedes, mainly due to the presence in the flavor of cinnamon - but clearly much less time-consuming to prepare.
I have made for the first time cena della vigilia di Natale proprio perché a corto di tempo e mi sono piaciuti molto così li ho già replicati :) Provate!
Chioccioline di sfoglia e noci
per circa 30 biscotti
ricetta tratta da Biscotti di Ilona Chovancova
- un rotolo di pasta sfoglia possibilmente quadrato
- 100gr di noci sgusciate
- 100gr di zucchero
- 1 bustina di vanillina
- 1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere (o più o meno a seconda dei gusti)
- 1 albume
- 2 cucchiai di latte
Optionally you can also roll the dough on both sides toward the center in order to obtain the fan-shaped, short, how do you like best.
Very good continuation of weeks
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Who Named The Mississippi River
I'm rearranging my photos scattered between computers, CDs, USB sticks, camera cards, etc., in short a big mess. I want to catalog, store and print photos more significant the last five years.
Because let's face it all there's nothing better than being cross-legged on the couch flipping through old photo albums to relive the past.
And so I found this photo I do not even remember having. I was taken in 2006, I had just bought a digital SLR and this puppet dall'insalata checked out of the garden just to be immortalized ... vain:)
I put it on Flickr and liked it, so I thought I'd share it, even to dedicate it to you, my readers that I am quiet and not filled with happiness!
I read recently of bloggers who are disappointed by this web world, for the moment I only know that even though I knew virtually lovely people as I have already spoken here, or people who unexpectedly give me my new header (By the way you like it?) as her young Hungarian girl who well know how to do graphics work (I am denied) is also a good cook!
So I stay here for now I'm so good for that:)))
Ok, today I philosophized a bit ... promise Monday I go back to the kitchen:)
In the meantime I wish you a happy and exciting weekend
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Free Broken Arm Get Well Soon Messages
Bread rolls indiani [ricetta di Alex]
I very often of innamorami of your recipes, print them, to say "I really have to do this" and put them in my wallet and then forget it.
happens then I want to prepare something original for a dinner and browse through my notes I run into your own dish, which unfortunately often results without author ... and so I never know who will be awarded the goodness that I prepare (Not because I'm special but because they are your ricettuzze: D), and believe me I'm sorry this is messy but a lot of mine and I always forget to write the source.
But not this time:) This time
on A4 paper on the bottom left was the author inidirizzo http://. Hurrah!
And then it was for so that you do not post anything and cuisine of other tag veramemnte just beginning to be used in the blog ... So here we are. This recipe belongs to
her, and never was it more apt when you pass a Saturday afternoon to cook a dinner together with the ethnic flavor friend . So off to space with tofu croutons, a lentil soup and rolls these files and really very very good.
For the recipe go here , I followed step by step replacing only the onion with a nice big onion. I advise you to close them for good so that the stuffing does not escape during cooking. Try them are truly outstanding. Thanks Alex!
I very often of innamorami of your recipes, print them, to say "I really have to do this" and put them in my wallet and then forget it.
happens then I want to prepare something original for a dinner and browse through my notes I run into your own dish, which unfortunately often results without author ... and so I never know who will be awarded the goodness that I prepare (Not because I'm special but because they are your ricettuzze: D), and believe me I'm sorry this is messy but a lot of mine and I always forget to write the source.
But not this time:) This time
on A4 paper on the bottom left was the author inidirizzo http://. Hurrah!
And then it was for so that you do not post anything and cuisine of other tag veramemnte just beginning to be used in the blog ... So here we are. This recipe belongs to
her, and never was it more apt when you pass a Saturday afternoon to cook a dinner together with the ethnic flavor friend . So off to space with tofu croutons, a lentil soup and rolls these files and really very very good.
For the recipe go here , I followed step by step replacing only the onion with a nice big onion. I advise you to close them for good so that the stuffing does not escape during cooking. Try them are truly outstanding. Thanks Alex!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sand Dollar Centerpiece Ideas
And if I tell you that the author of this recipe calls this Foudge serial murder enough to understand that there is something irresistible? Something so good that you'd end never eat? Much more than a leads to another:)
The truth is that even with this Monday I need something sweet, cuddly, chocolate, fragrant and delicious start to the week.
do not know, this January is so gray, dark and foggy that just pissed me hard.
And as you have set?!? Struggle to get the duvet in the morning, or rather (my pure envy!) Are just beautiful, and ready to be clicked on?
Fudge Crunch al cioccolato
per circa 30 quadrotti
per la base
- 125gr di cioccolato fondente
- 125gr di zucchero di canna grezzo
- 2 cucchiai di cacao amaro in polvere
- 50gr di noce di cocco grattugiata
- 1 uovo codice 0
- 275gr di biscotti Digestive
per la copertura
- 30gr di burro
- 40gr di zucchero di canna chiaro
- 1 cucchiaio di cacao amaro in polvere
- 80ml di panna da montare
In una casseruola capiente far fondere a bagnomaria il cioccolato per la base assieme allo zucchero grezzo, poi aggiungere il cacao in polvere, la noce di cocco e l'uovo. Amalgamare bene gli ingredienti ed aggiungere i biscotti Digestive precedentemente sbriciolati. Mescolare molto bene e versare in uno stampo (meglio se di silicone) della dimensione di 20cm e livellare la superficie con una spatola. Mettere in frigo e lasciar raffreddare per circa 30'.
Fondere quindi il burro assieme sugar, when it is all melted add cocoa powder, stir and add cream. Cook on low heat for 2 minutes to thicken. Pour on cookie base and level the surface. Put in the fridge (I have left all night) so that it dries well. Cut into squares and serve.
I know I am unforgivable ... many of you are trying to get back on line after December and I what do I do? We try, with these things!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hands Blue Fingers White
Una zuppa per pochi? Chissà...
do not know for whom or what alchemy chemical process but the combination of celery, celeriac and potato makes this soup becomes a fragrant spoils where tastes come together to form a qualcosa di cremoso e delicato pur essendo preparato con delle verdure dal gusto deciso.
La ricetta è tratta da Zuppe per tutti i giorni ed. Tecniche Nuove, libro che non può mancare nelle vostre librerie se, come me, siete amanti di minestre, zuppe, vellutate, ecc. ecc :)
Yeah, let's say I am part of 'elite of celeriac :)
That to me like this root and even a lot.
suppose instead that many of you skipped the recipe ... but believe me, you little (or am I wrong?) Lovers of this vegetable, read and try you will not be at all disappointed.
do not know for whom or what alchemy chemical process but the combination of celery, celeriac and potato makes this soup becomes a fragrant spoils where tastes come together to form a qualcosa di cremoso e delicato pur essendo preparato con delle verdure dal gusto deciso.
La ricetta è tratta da Zuppe per tutti i giorni ed. Tecniche Nuove, libro che non può mancare nelle vostre librerie se, come me, siete amanti di minestre, zuppe, vellutate, ecc. ecc :)
Zuppa ai due sedani
Ingredienti per quattro persone
- 1 sedano rapa di medie dimensioni
- 1 testa di sedano verde senza foglie
- 1 patata grossa (o due piccole)
- 1 liter of vegetable broth
- 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic
- salt, pepper
- chives for garnish
Peel the celeriac and peel. Clean the head of celery with the potato peeler removing the outer filaments. Peel the potatoes and cut all vegetables into cubes more or less the same size. In a heavy-bottomed pan to flavor the oil with the garlic, add the vegetables and leave five minutes on high heat, stirring often. Add two tablespoons of broth, add salt, cover and simmer them until they are soft (add any liquid to prevent the vegetables attack ...). Remove from heat, remove the garlic and mix with the blender to make a puree. Then add the hot vegetable broth until desired consistency is achieved (more or less dense). Put on fire and cook for another 10 '. Serve with freshly ground black pepper and chives for decoration (optional).
With this recipe I participate in the contest Labna Love in the kitchen
very good day
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Cool Poptropica Names
Una coccola per ricominciare
Questo cake ha un impasto fantastico, umido e profumato al punto giusto ed è ottimo per consumare un po di frutta secca che ci si ritrova sempre in casa nel mese di gennaio. Infine lo zenzero da quel qualcosa in più di fresco e digestivo.
Eccoci qui! Non ci resta che ricominciare. Dopo 16 giorni di ferie questa mattina varcherò nuovamente la porta dell'ufficio con gli strascichi di un raffreddore antipatico che non vuol sapere di mollarmi...
Per cui ho pensato di consolarmi con un dolce, alla faccia delle diete post festività :)
Questo cake ha un impasto fantastico, umido e profumato al punto giusto ed è ottimo per consumare un po di frutta secca che ci si ritrova sempre in casa nel mese di gennaio. Infine lo zenzero da quel qualcosa in più di fresco e digestivo.
Dolce al cacao con fichi e zenzero
- 125gr di burro ammorbidito
- 200gr di zucchero di canna
- 2 uova codice 0
- 185gr di farina auto lievitante
- 40gr di cacao in polvere
- 185ml di latte
- 125gr di fichi secchi
- 75gr di zenzero candito
Lavorare il burro con lo zucchero nel robot da cucina con il gancio leaf, until a smooth cream. Incorporate the eggs lightly beaten, stir and add the flour alternating with milk chocolate. Cut the figs and ginger into small pieces. Combine the first and second half of the dough, mix and transfer into a cake mold. Level the surface and sprinkle with the remaining ginger. Bake at 180 degrees for about an hour (the toothpick test). Let cool before unmold.
very good week and very good return for someone like me, today begins
ps but how well you are at home?? :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Office Gym Blueprints
Primo post 2011 - immagini del Südtirol
But Happy New Year! So? Have you cooked, celebrated, feasted and toasted in abundance during these holidays? I absolutely can not complain ... indeed! What can be more if you do not want to be with his family in peace and joy? If then we'll give you two days between Christmas and New Year in South Tyrol in Brunico, Bressanone and Bolzano wandering streets and markets are still open with the sun still high in the sky, the thermometer below zero, the good food, lots of happiness and with The new camera that Santa brought me a present ... I think I've said it all:)))
I leave some pictures (but really because I've actually made some hundreds of photos) of these two days straight and if ever you happen to go to these beautiful places ( I have to go back in summer ...) I only regret that we went in Bressanone in the evening and I could not take pictures of its market that is really nice! I hope you enjoy them and sorry if my son comes out every now and then ... but you know, mother's heart:))
Canederli - Henrich Gasteriger, Gerhard Wieser, Helmut Bachmann - ed. Athesia
Cucina Tradizionale del Sudtirolo - Hanna Perwanger - ed. Athesia
Vi auguro nuovamente buon 2011 con tutto il cuore!
Un abbraccio e a presto perché non ho solo fotografato ma anche cucinato, e cucinato, e cucinato...:)
But Happy New Year! So? Have you cooked, celebrated, feasted and toasted in abundance during these holidays? I absolutely can not complain ... indeed! What can be more if you do not want to be with his family in peace and joy? If then we'll give you two days between Christmas and New Year in South Tyrol in Brunico, Bressanone and Bolzano wandering streets and markets are still open with the sun still high in the sky, the thermometer below zero, the good food, lots of happiness and with The new camera that Santa brought me a present ... I think I've said it all:)))
I leave some pictures (but really because I've actually made some hundreds of photos) of these two days straight and if ever you happen to go to these beautiful places ( I have to go back in summer ...) I only regret that we went in Bressanone in the evening and I could not take pictures of its market that is really nice! I hope you enjoy them and sorry if my son comes out every now and then ... but you know, mother's heart:))
Ritornando verso casa...
to eat
Weisses Lamm - Stuckstrasse 5 - Brunico - 0474.411350 (Tyrolean cuisine, I recommend a reservation)
Buffalo - Cantina's Restaurant - Port. More 28 - Bressanone (outside of Mexican cuisine, traditional cuisine - I ate a pumpkin soup the most good ...)
to sleep
Board Moharhof - San Pietro Mezzomonte - Velturno (BZ) (he, the owner is a bit crazy:) but the place is worth, everything new and clean and honest with the price of breakfast pastries made in casa, gnam!)
libri golosi
Strudel - Henrich Gasteriger, Gerhard Wieser, Helmut Bachmann - ed. Athesia
Canederli - Henrich Gasteriger, Gerhard Wieser, Helmut Bachmann - ed. Athesia
Cucina Tradizionale del Sudtirolo - Hanna Perwanger - ed. Athesia
Vi auguro nuovamente buon 2011 con tutto il cuore!
Un abbraccio e a presto perché non ho solo fotografato ma anche cucinato, e cucinato, e cucinato...:)
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