Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sand Dollar Centerpiece Ideas


And if I tell you that the author of this recipe calls this Foudge serial murder enough to understand that there is something irresistible? Something so good that you'd end never eat? Much more than a leads to another:)

The truth is that even with this Monday I need something sweet, cuddly, chocolate, fragrant and delicious start to the week.

do not know, this January is so gray, dark and foggy that just pissed me hard.
And as you have set?!? Struggle to get the duvet in the morning, or rather (my pure envy!) Are just beautiful, and ready to be clicked on?

Fudge Crunch al cioccolato
per circa 30 quadrotti

per la base
  • 125gr di cioccolato fondente
  • 125gr di zucchero di canna grezzo
  • 2 cucchiai di cacao amaro in polvere
  • 50gr di noce di cocco grattugiata
  • 1 uovo codice 0
  • 275gr di biscotti Digestive
per la copertura
  • 30gr di burro
  • 40gr di zucchero di canna chiaro
  • 1 cucchiaio di cacao amaro in polvere
  • 80ml di panna da montare
In una casseruola capiente far fondere a bagnomaria il cioccolato per la base assieme allo zucchero grezzo, poi aggiungere il cacao in polvere, la noce di cocco e l'uovo. Amalgamare bene gli ingredienti ed aggiungere i biscotti Digestive precedentemente sbriciolati. Mescolare molto bene e versare in uno stampo (meglio se di silicone) della dimensione di 20cm e livellare la superficie con una spatola. Mettere in frigo e lasciar raffreddare per circa 30'.
Fondere quindi il burro assieme sugar, when it is all melted add cocoa powder, stir and add cream. Cook on low heat for 2 minutes to thicken. Pour on cookie base and level the surface. Put in the fridge (I have left all night) so that it dries well. Cut into squares and serve.

I know I am unforgivable ... many of you are trying to get back on line after December and I what do I do? We try, with these things!




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