of snails or snails, whatever you want here you a candy / cookie / pastry just remember that their shape.
's one of those things to prepare if you have little time or little desire to cook, short-proof clumsy as I say:)
have enough home-prepared puff pastry and nuts and that's it. Remember a little for Kanelbullar Swedes, mainly due to the presence in the flavor of cinnamon - but clearly much less time-consuming to prepare.
I have made for the first time cena della vigilia di Natale proprio perché a corto di tempo e mi sono piaciuti molto così li ho già replicati :) Provate!
Chioccioline di sfoglia e noci
per circa 30 biscotti
ricetta tratta da Biscotti di Ilona Chovancova
- un rotolo di pasta sfoglia possibilmente quadrato
- 100gr di noci sgusciate
- 100gr di zucchero
- 1 bustina di vanillina
- 1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere (o più o meno a seconda dei gusti)
- 1 albume
- 2 cucchiai di latte
Optionally you can also roll the dough on both sides toward the center in order to obtain the fan-shaped, short, how do you like best.
Very good continuation of weeks
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