Monday, January 24, 2011

Amy Paid For A Pair Of Running Shoes

E per restare in tema...

of snails or snails, whatever you want here you a candy / cookie / pastry just remember that their shape.

's one of those things to prepare if you have little time or little desire to cook, short-proof clumsy as I say:)

have enough home-prepared puff pastry and nuts and that's it. Remember a little for Kanelbullar Swedes, mainly due to the presence in the flavor of cinnamon - but clearly much less time-consuming to prepare.

I have made for the first time cena della vigilia di Natale proprio perché a corto di tempo e mi sono piaciuti molto così li ho già replicati :) Provate!

Chioccioline di sfoglia e noci
per circa 30 biscotti
ricetta tratta da Biscotti di Ilona Chovancova
  • un rotolo di pasta sfoglia possibilmente quadrato
  • 100gr di noci sgusciate
  • 100gr di zucchero
  • 1 bustina di vanillina
  • 1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere (o più o meno a seconda dei gusti)
  • 1 albume 
  • 2 cucchiai di latte
Preparare la pasta di noci. Chop the nuts several times in the mixer along with a tablespoon of sugar, transfer to a bowl add sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, egg white and milk. Work the mixture with a spatula so that it becomes a kind of cream. Unroll the pastry and the filling leveling stretching over well with a spatula. Roll the dough over itself (like a strudel) tighten very well. Place in freezer for 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 180 degrees by putting a pot on the base with water to create steam (this will serve to inflate the dough well in cooking, is a trick I always use and it works). Take the roll of dough and cut cookies for the width of about one cm. Place on plate lined with baking paper well spaced because cooking will swell. Bake for about 15 'or until they are golden beautiful. Allow to cool and serve.

Optionally you can also roll the dough on both sides toward the center in order to obtain the fan-shaped, short, how do you like best.

Very good continuation of weeks



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