Well, after the last post a little dull and full of love for my son, (you can imagine how much fun it is to his little party on Saturday, with an attached fatigue on my part for the preparation ... ), back to food.
I think we all have an infinite desire to be outdoors, in sunshine and mild temperatures, take off coats and jackets more thinking on his back, just it can not be more cold and wind ... ... Enough!
The desire for outings and picnics in my house is just so much ... a lot so we have to do rehearsals and then in the wake of these muffins, I will propose that the other really delicious. You can serve stuffed or so instead of bread next to a nice salad.
The recipe comes from the last book of Cavoletto , I have slightly modified mostly out of necessity due to the presence or absence of certain ingredients in my fridge. Anyway just try to have proof of festival:)
Muffin salty Parmesan and parsley
for about 24 pieces
- 360g flour 00
- 5 eggs code 0
- 200 gr di Parmigiano
- 2dl di olio d'oliva
- 2dl di latte
- 2 cucchiai di prezzemolo
- sale
- pepe
- 16gr di lievito per dolci non zuccherato
Sono buonissimi mangiati sia freddi che leggermente tiepidi e possono benissimo venir surgelati. Volendone fare di meno dimezzate gli ingredienti a parte le uova, ne servono 3.
Con i muffin salati da pic-nic partecipo, proprio all'ultimo minuto, al contest di About Food
Buonissima settimana a tutti, un abbraccio
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