Friday, March 11, 2011

How Much Does Dog Supplies Cost Monthly

Scialatielli al limone con cernia e semi di finocchio

Serves 4
scialatielli 350 of the bronze of The pulp of Gragnano
a rather large slice of grouper
a clove of garlic
some fennel seeds zest
grated lemon
eggs picoline
extra virgin olive oil
a glass of white wine salt and pepper
To prepare the recipe I used my stoneware pot line flamewars Cooking of Topgres . The pot allows you to cook with a few seasonings, and as in this case, brings even more the flavors of the fish, preserving consistency.
Fillet grouper and cut it into cubes or otherwise acqusitatela already filleted. In saucepan, saute in olive oil a clove of garlic and add the cubes of grouper and fennel seeds which give a unique taste to the grouper. Cover with lid and simmer gently. After five minutes, lift the lid and sprinkle with white wine. Let it evaporate and turn off. For scialatielli de making pulp of Gragnano I wanted to use a very simple sauce that goes very well with lemon-flavored pasta.
Cook the pasta al dente and send it back into the pan with the sauce of grouper. Again If you can bring to the table directly into the pasta pot stoneware, serving it with eggs picoline or, alternatively, individual portions of reallizzare

What Dogs Hate The Taste Of

Risotto al sugo di cozze e dadini di zucca

Serves 4
350 grams of rice from farm Zangirolami
1 kg of mussels
1 jar Mutti chili sauce 1 slice of pumpkin
parsley 1 clove garlic 1 onion
a glass of white wine salt
Preparation Clean and wash the mussels carefully. In a pan, let them open and reserve the cooking liquid. In another pan fry the garlic, add the mussels open and the most shelled (leaving only some of them in their shells for the final decoration) and then jump. Wet white wine and let evaporate. Add the chilli sauce Mutti and cook a few minutes. Meanwhile, do the cooking of rice from Zangirolami .

For my recipe, I cooked the rice in the cooker stoneware line of Cooking flamewars Topgres . When cooking with stoneware pots you have to use several precautions. The pot should always be used with the spreading flame under and should never be put on the heat without food or condiments inside. Among other things, be used to start cooking at a low temperature to prevent overheating too fast. The stoneware pot, I put the finely chopped onion and fry I made with a little oil. I added the rice and I roasted slowly. Then I soaked in the cooking liquid, filtered, delle cozze e l'ho portato a cottura.  Da ultimo, tagliate la zucca a quadrucci e fatela saltare pochi minuti nell'olio extravergine d''oliva. A questo punto tutto è pronto per la presentazione finale del piatto. La pentola in gres di Topgres già di per sè è estremamente elegante, per cui se volete potete portare in tavola i vostri piatti al suo interno essendo sicuri di fare un figurone. Altrimenti potete preparare delle porzioni singole. Nel primo caso, versate il sugo nel riso e fatelo saltare in modo da amalgamarlo bene, aggiungendo da ultimo anche i pezzetti di zucca. Nel secondo caso, con l'aiuto di un coppapasta ricavate una porzione singola di riso e servitela copsargendola col sugo di cozze e tanti piccoli quadrucci pumpkin and serve. I propose both alternatives

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Primavera: sulla tavola fiorisce il riso Zangirolami

The Spring is near and with her came the rice fields of Ferrara are prepared for the sowing of this precious seed to be harvested in September and then dried.
result of these operations, which are repeated methodically over time, arrives on our plates a high-quality rice such as the Company Agricultural Zangirolami. The company occupies in Ferrara on 88 acres of which 30% planted to rice in rotation with other cereals.
Making rice with it and the products derived from it is the goal of the company, which produces, processes and manufactures seven types of rice (superfine carnaroli rice, rice carnaroli semi-grain rice Arborio rice semi-dwarf avenue, bold grain rice, rice from, brown rice), flour and dairy products.
Zangirolami at the farm around the rice production process is carefully controlled to provide consumers with the assurance of a quality product certified. The rice is grown, harvested, dried and processed directly on the farm where they also make direct sales.
The various types of rice produced from rice can be made dry, the wave risottos, soups, salads, desserts and whatever else our imagination in the kitchen suggests. Each rice, in fact, characteristics and cooking times precise, making it ideal for different preparations. The varieties of rice semi (such as nano avenue) and up, for example, are well suited to dishes like soups, stews, casseroles, suppli, pies, croquettes.
The company has really thought about every type of need, thanks to the production of flour and semolina gluten-free rice, grinding rice with a stone mill.
the rice flour in the kitchen gives us a really big help: Indeed, we can use not only in the preparation of desserts, but also for bread and for the preparation of batters for frying. Add, then, makes the mixes with other flours soft and crumbly. If we instead just use it mixes with the more substantial meal of rice.

The company also produces brown rice flour, high in fiber suitable for bread, cakes and batters for frying. The bran of rice suitable for polenta, pasta, bread and pizza too certified suitable for gluten-free products such as savory pizza, and crekers beignets.Viene used (sometimes mixed with rice flour) to get a good polenta is also light and very digestible.
The bran of brown rice, however, rich in fiber, can also be used for polenta, pasta, bread and pizza.
The Farm Zangirolami retails rice, flour and dairy products in elegant packaging vacuum, cellophane or cloth bags and packages throughout the year beautiful baskets and gift boxes for every need and occasion.
I recommend you visit the company website ( ) very well cared for, where you can find tasty recipes to try in your rice cookers

Ideas For Homemade Rabbit Cages

TOP Gres: il design e l'eccellenza italiana sulle nostre tavole

Today more than ever in our kitchens we feel the need to prepare dishes made with food healthy cooking methods and the second not overly processed, which may alter the properties of food. That's why it's important to use all those tools in the kitchen to help us meet the criteria of a healthy diet.
A big help in this regard there is for example the use of pots in stoneware, made from a mixture of clay, plastic, ceramic to become subisce almeno tre passaggi di cottura in forno.
Il primo produttore italiano di stoviglieria da tavola e oggettistica per la casa in gres è TOP Gres , un’azienda con una lunga tradizione artigianale alle spalle e una storia che ha inizio nel 1972.
Visitando il sito web dell’azienda e visionandone il catalogo si viene subito attratti dalla bellezza degli oggetti prodotti ai quali peraltro si uniscono caratteristiche di qualità e unicità assolutamente non trascurabili.
L’azienda nonostante lo spirito di forte innovazione e sperimentazione che la contraddistingue nella produzione conserva e perpetua tecniche create e consolidate nel corso del tempo, nel rispetto di una tradizione tutta italiana. In catalogo you can find different lines of products: kitchen classic, modern kitchen, Gifts, and Cooking Lapis flamewars.
flamewars The new collection, made entirely by stoneware pan fire in the name of Mediterranean cuisine, healthy and full of flavor is really up to the highest expectations. Do you think that using a single article can make many different dishes, which normally can not do with normal metal cookware. It saves time in the kitchen thanks to the many benefits of stoneware.
stoneware of flamewars can go in the microwave, be used in the stove (gas, electric. Hobs) or in the oven as well as you can portare direttamente in tavola. Se poi volete conservare le vostre pietanze in freezer oppure in frigorifero, top gres Cooking non teme il freddo e vi può fare da contenitore.
L'altissima qualità delle materie prime usate per la realizzazione di questi articoli li rende resistenti nel tempo, garantendo un aspetto pressochè inalterato anche dopo un uso prolungato.
Flameware è disponibile in vari colori (nero, arancione, giallo), e permette degli abbinamenti adeguati in qualsiasi tipo di ambiente. Si tratta di oggetti estremamente eleganti e dal design veramente accattivante. Questa nuova collezione è composta da ben 16 pezzi (che vanno dalle casseruole ai tegami alle pirofile alle pentole e al tagine), tutti realizzati following the most stringent technical specifications worldwide for materials in contact with food.

I've tried cooking with stoneware pot and I assure you that foods are healthier and natural because they are soft and tasty it is cooked slowly and if you like, even without condiments.
While all the metals absorb heat quickly, so quickly and transmit it to food, the GRES works as an insulator: it heats up very slowly, very slowly and transfers the heat it has absorbed. This makes it an ideal material for cooking dishes that require long cooking times without changes in temperature and it is important that the initial heating is gradual. Then that's great for cooking vegetables, whole grains of beans, stews and soups, risottos, sauces, side dishes, stews, meat and fish, roasts and so on. The convenience of being able to use these products is on the stove in the oven or freezer is a great advantage. What about the value of another tile, or its high capacity to absorb heat in a "soft" and then sell it just as slowly, offering the possibility of keeping the food warm for a long time and then we can understand the benefits in the case of dishes, the dishes in general. Think of such a dish pizza you can still keep the pizza hot and, if necessary transport without the need of having to then heat in oven.
All product lines TOP Gres really been designed to meet our needs in the kitchen and more, very important fact, are all done in the true Made in Italy, witnessed by a quality certificate which is a source of pride not only for business but for those who want to carry around the world for excellence, quality, taste and refinement Italians.
I recommend you visit the company website, and look at all the lines to which was added more recently the artistic product, and gift ideas home decoration with the new brand Lapis Casa Collection.

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Da oggi il mio ragù

Da piccola storcevo il naso alla pasta con il ragù, odiavo quella con il pomodoro e mangiavo praticamente pasta con il burro... adesso vivrei di pasta con il pomodoro (magari fresco o home made), mangiucchio quella con il ragù e non posso neanche pensare di mangiare quella con il burro... proprio se devo olio evo e parmigiano :)

In realtà non amo molto i ragù che richiedono grandi soffritti e lunghe cotture... per intenderci quelli che ti ballano la samba nello stomaco per un po troppo tempo ecco... ricordo ancora quello di mia nonna... buono si, ma lo si digeriva dopo due giorni :(

Così ho scoperto questo, di carne bianca (pollo nel mio caso but I think it is just as good with turkey or rabbit), with the addition of fennel and many fragrant herbs (with the sage who acts as leader) that make it a delicate dish is suitable, I think, also to be served in a day important as Easter dinner, for example, you say?

P year-old with chicken sauce, fennel and herbs

recipe is for four people
Natural Kitchen - not if that month:)
  • 320gr of penne (I Kamut)
  • 250g of chicken breast
  • 2 medium fennel
  • 1 carrot 1 stalk celery
  • 1 shallot 1 clove garlic
  • 6 sage leaves 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 sprig thyme 1 sprig marjoram 2 bay leaves
  • 1 / 2 cup white wine
  • extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
  • salt, black pepper
Clean the fennel, cut into four pieces and slice the veil with the help of a vegetable peeler. In a saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons oil and cook the vegetables for 5 lively fire 'until they are browned. Turn off the heat add salt and keep aside. Cut the chicken breast into cubes.
Prepare the sauce with chopped carrots, celery, shallots and herbs, all except the bay leaf.
type in a pan, heat 2 tablespoons of wok oil, add the crushed garlic, bay leaves and chopped vegetables. Cook over medium heat for about ten minutes, adding if the fund is too dry, a little boiling water. At this point add the chicken, remove the garlic and bay leaves, salt and cook the meat almost entirely on a high heat, reduce heat, add the fennel drained from any excess oil, add the white wine and let blend. Add the pasta cooked al dente, stir well and serve with a generous freshly ground black pepper and Parmesan cheese.

I would say a perfect dish to participate in the contest Pippi dedicated to herbs! Even if there is time to go give us a peek ...

Very good weekend


Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Spiedo di cuori alle alici in salsa piccante

Serves 4
5 medium potatoes size 2 eggs
nutmeg to taste butter
grated Parmesan parsley bread crumbs
basil sauce salt and pepper
2 packages of sardines in hot sauce Rizzoli Emanuelli

Boil the potatoes in plenty of water. Once cooked, peel and pass them priviamole ricer. Insaporiamole with salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley and Parmesan. Mix ingredients with care and with the help of a mold with hearts (I used the silicone mold of Guardini ) obtained many delicious hearts. Bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. Dough preparation, remember to take them by a portion with which to produce the balls.
on the palm of the hand put a portion of potato mixture and place within half an Alice in spicy sauce, close it with the mixture of potatoes and cut into many small balls. Passed to it in the breadcrumbs and cook in the oven even these.
At this point we are ready for the final presentation. Take a skewer and stuck one by one your hearts. Above each place a alice in spicy sauce. Complete the dish with basil sauce and meatballs. In this way, you or your guests can enjoy a great finger food with all the perfume of the best anchovies

Here are a few moments of preparation

Can Grown On Beardies Eat Pinkies

Rizzoli Emanuelli: la passione per il mare rinchiusa in una scatola

extra virgin olive oil, wine vinegar, tuna, wine, sugar, mustard, spices, carrots, onions, salt, wheat flour, what ingredients they have in common ?
I'll explain it: the fact of being skilfully blended by experts for the preparation of a sauce that blends harmoniously with the anchovies.
Anchovies are those Rizzoli Emanuelli, historic company that manufactures only since 1906 the best anchovies, those caught in the Mediterranean Sea in spring.
opening a tin of sardines in hot sauce is still intoxicated by the scents and you really can not help but try suffered. Just think: here we need a toast! The historic
spicy sauce recipe dates back to the beginnings of the company, we are in 1898 and at that time, Turin was the nerve center of the ancient salt route linking the port of Genoa to the markets Alps. It was then that Emilio Rizzoli, with his father Luigi decided to found a company in Turin and was the first time that the recipe for hot sauce was born.
From then until now the company has the passion for the sea of \u200b\u200bthe instrument its success. Not surprisingly, its strengths are: the selection of areas where the sea is cleaner so as to ensure the health of all products, the "fishing al cerchio”, una tecnica di pesca che evita il danneggiamento dei pesci, assicurandone l’integrità. il mantenimento della temperatura ottimale durante il trasferimento delle acciughe nello stabilimento di produzione, evitando così fenomeni ossidativi; l'accurata lavorazione che unisce sapienza artigianale e moderne tecnologie per la conservazione e il confezionamento.
Le Alici in salsa Piccante Rizzoli sono un prodotto davvero unico. Le migliori alici del Mediterraneo sono lavorate artigianalmente e messe a maturazione in botti di legno prima di essere filettate e confezionate nella caratteristica e storica latta dorata. Al primo assaggio senti subito il contatto in bocca con i filetti morbidi e carnosi e tutta la piacevolezza di una salsa che lascia a thousand shades of flavor on the palate.
From generation to generation, the company maintaining its traditional character that sets it apart, and has been able to stay young.
"Ante lucrum Nomen" is enclosed in the quotation in Latin brands, which expresses from a hundred years, the policy toward the market: the quality of products and processes, above all else.
The company is very attentive to the views of consumers, so as to monitor constantly the choice, through market research and comparative periodic internal evaluations.
the brand image is another critical success factor: first is an image that communicates a historical tradition of the brand is easily recognizable, uniformly used on all items to list. The company also is trying to differentiate themselves in the market by investing in products with a high level of service through innovative packaging and new production technologies, the ability to communicate the intrinsic quality of the product.
Apart from the delicious anchovies in spicy sauce, the company's offer is very wide and includes different formats and different possible uses of anchovies, tuna, mackerel.
In any case it's products with high quality, craftsmanship and an aromatic component specifically designed to enhance the natural flavor of the product without covering.
I advise you, if you have not already done so, visit the company website:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Distance balances

must balance the negative with the positive things, or at least try.

Obviously it is not always possible, there are things that are difficult to neutralize, and then sometimes it seems that the fate continues to rage: There has never happened to think, now what can happen to me, the worst? Better not tell, because there is no end to the worst.
However, because I want to be optimistic, and these days of sun and blossoming trees of spring and warm beats me make it absolutely positive, I booked my usual spring trip: This year is no solo, as I usually do, but Mom. For you will be the first real travel experience, so far from home, the first plane. It's never too late to start, I'm sure that after this will not stop anymore!

doubt in Hamlet between Barcelona and Berlin, in the end we decided to Barcelona: the end of May, the sun, colors, imaginative style of Gaudi, Paella and sea, that you want?

I must admit that among the European cities I visited, Barcelona is a lack vistosissima. I am well aware
northern Europe, to the icy lands of the Norwegian fjords, but are really lacking on the south of our continent ... the experience of last year in Seville has been very positive (well, Seville era il mio sogno da quando ho iniziato a studiare flamenco, alla fine degli anni Novanta, partivo già piena di sogni e aspettative), sicuramente anche Madrid mi attirava.

Invece Barcellona non so, non mi aveva mai intrigato...fino a quando ho letto il bellissimo libro di Carlos Ruiz Zafòn, che l'ha descritta in un modo talmente affascinante che mi ero ripromessa, prima o poi, di farci un pensierino.
Devo assolutamente rileggermi il libro, prima di partire, per essere totalmente immersa nel suo fascino catalano (da dimenticare invece le pubblicazioni successive dello stesso autore, davvero deludenti, praticamente uno sbiadito plagio di sè stesso). No, devo ammettere che anche il grazioso film L'appartamento spagnolo (Cedric Klapisch) apprezzarequalche I had done years before, a city as modern and colorful, Mediterranean, but the Shadow of the Wind was decisive!

more I read the guides and reportage, the more I enthusiasm. I hope that five days is enough, for a total immersion in the colors and flavors of Catalonia ...

Another thing that I have experienced lately, is the grid for pies: I had seen on Anna's blog, where we also find precise explanation of how to use it, with the photographs.
I bought in a shop, of course, and I was very satisfied. I have not found it particularly difficult to use, once you learn the technique, the crust is really nice (I always hated doing the strips by hand). In this case, I added 100 grams of barley flour, to get a slightly more rustic texture.

doses for a dish 24 cm in diameter

300 grams of flour (I 200 grams 00 and 100 of emmer)
125 grams butter 130 grams sugar

1 egg and 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon

Council to divide the pastry:

Cut a circle of parchment paper the exact size of the coverage of your pan, then a lie down part of the crust. Rovesciatela on the grid with the wax paper on top, and roll it out well with a rolling pin without removing the card, so that it adheres well to the grid.

Gently remove the paper, and then drop the rumble of pastry, then you will use to make the strip of closure of the tart.

Spread the rest of the pastry on parchment paper (I us design the precise form of the dimensions that must arrive, so I'm not mistaken), then put it with all the paper into the pan.
Spread the jam, then cover with the pastry Advanced (rombini and some cropping) do the strip closed.

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Tiramisù alle fragole

1 bag of no-bake custard-ready Molino Chiavazza
300 ml of soy milk
natural yogurt
some strawberries
some ladyfingers
I wanted to prepare a dessert rather delicate and light using soy milk, and yogurt more digestible in place of cream.
First, prepare the custard, which requires very few minutes. Pour the contents of a bag of prepared Molino Chiavazza in a bowl and add slowly the milk. With an electric mixer, emulsified time needed to obtain a thick cream. At this point, depending on how many servings you want to prepare, use two pieces of pastry cream and some yogurt. Emulsionateli gently. You'll get a really delicious cream, yogurt and gently through the intense scents of vanilla and lemon custard. On a plate placed a few tablespoons of cream, ladyfingers and spalmatevi Lie down on the other cream. Complete with strawberries, washed and dried thoroughly. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Woke Up Pinky And Ring Finger Numb

Tranci di tonno in salsa al limone e pomodori concassè

Serves 4
4 slices of tuna
2 red tomatoes
a handful of salty capers
Fiordifrutta lemon 2 tablespoons butter
2 fresh lemons
by soaking the slices of tuna in a sauce made by squeezing the lemons and adding salt and pepper. Let flavor for at least 1 hour. In a large saucepan, melt some butter, add lemon Fiordifrutta and let dissolve for good. United i filetti di tonno e fateli insaporire in questa salsa. Da ultimo aggiungete i capperi di salina. Intanto, preparate i pomodori concassè: in un pentolino mettete dell'acqua e fate bollire; con l'aiuto di un coltellino fate una croce alla base dei pomodori e gettateli per un minuto nell'acqua bollente. Scolateli e freddateli in una ciotola con acqua fredda. Spellateli, apriteli in due parti. Privateli dell'interno e tagliateli a piccoli quadrucci regolari. A questo punto siamo pronti per la presentazione finale del piatto. Sistemiamo i nostri filetti di tonno completandoli con il pomodoro concassè e qualche fogliolina di insalatina di stagione
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest indetto dal blog starring the splendid jams Rigoni di Asiago.

Making Brownies Without Vanilla Extract

Spaghetti al nero di seppia

Serves 4 For the dough: 350 gr
of durum wheat flour 3 eggs Molino Chiavazza
a pinch of salt For the sauce:
a large sepia
1 clove garlic
a package of peeled tomatoes
chilli oil
a glass of white wine salt

prepare our spaghetti on a work surface the flour, make a fountain in the center and pour eggs and a pinch of salt. Mix well and cut out a ball and put it to rest on the fridge for half an hour. Manually or with the help of a pasta machine, taken before and then layers of spaghetti
then proceed to the preparation of our sauce.
Buy a sepia asking the seller to clean it thoroughly, leaving the bag with black. With a kitchen knife, taken from many cuttlefish strips. In a pan add the oil with hot pepper and sauté a clove of garlic, add the strips of cuttlefish and fry. Wet white wine and let evaporate. Meanwhile, past the mixer and add the tomatoes to the sepia .. Add salt and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Five minutes before the end of cooking, break the black bag and pour in the pan with the sauce. Mix well. Finally, cook the pasta in salted water. Drain and add to the sauce. Let thicken and serve on the fire still adding a little olive oil with hot pepper and fresh parsley

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Crostata rustica alla crema pasticcera

Ingredients 170 grams of wheat flour mill Chiavazza
100 grams of flour ; for cakes, pies and cookies Molino Chiavazza
4 egg yolks 100 grams butter 100 grams sugar
a glass of ice water 1 pinch of salt
For the filling:
1 package of cream right out of ( without cooking) Molino Chiavazza
300 ml of milk
250 grams of dark chocolate
chopped white chocolate

Preparation Sift the whole wheat flour and place on pastry flour added to the white space at the center and formed a ask yourself the egg yolks, sugar, salt and butter cut into pieces, working the dough by adding little by little the ice water, such as the pasta absorbs. Form a ball, flour it and put it in the fridge for half an hour.
Roll out on a baking pan for cakes and cover with greaseproof paper. Cook the beans with the above for at least 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Once out of the oven let it cool. Meanwhile, the fire melt the chocolate with a little milk. With a bag of prepared custard Molino Chiavazza, we prepare our cream, mixing the contents of the envelope with the milk. We work with an electric mixer for several minutes until creamy smooth and homogeneous. That is one of Molino Chiavazza custard that really prepares you in a few minutes: no need for cooking, it is easy to prepare, it tastes fresh and delicate scent of vanilla which is accompanied by a delicate note of lemon. To join this
the melted chocolate and let cool in refrigerator. Spread the cream on the bottom of our pastry and sprinkle with chopped white chocolate
Here's a rundown of the products used:

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Spaghetti di riso con verdurine croccanti e pollo

Serves 4
350 of rice noodles
a chicken breast
a packet of type 00 flour mill Chiavazza
2 red peppers
a large carrot 1 onion
soy sauce, soybean oil, salt and pepper Valsoia

Cut the chicken into pieces, pass them in the flour "oo" Chiavazza Molino, suitable for breading. Fry the chicken in soybean oil and keep aside. Meanwhile, clean and wash carefully all the vegetables and mash to match. They also jump in soybean oil, salt and pepper and set aside. Meanwhile, boil spaghetti al dente and drain rice. In a saucepan, add the chicken pieces and vegetables and cook together, add the soy sauce. Do not overdo the sauce, or you risk having too salty vegetables. At this point, place the noodles on one side of the plate and contornateli with vegetables sauteed and fresh parsley