Sunday, March 6, 2011
Memory Loss Neck Pain
; Gianicolo, Carnival 1975
I realized I did not write anything for two weeks.
Maybe because I had nothing to say, or perhaps because the things I were too sad to say, like a black hole as it continues to throw in the bad things and we close above, under the lid, hoping that if they are good to stew in silence.
In fact, do not disappear, there are just under the surface, agitated in deeper water, dark soul, but sooner or later begin to rise, to be felt, and begins to be impossible to ignore.
were dark days, tiring, very similar to those of this summer, too painfully similar. Nor am I telling all the events, only that it was a black hole, a vortex of events in which we were enveloped, unexpected, terrible and unexpected.
Oltre questo, o forse proprio a causa di questo, la settimana scorsa una brutta influenza che mi ha completamente atterrato, come una reazione fisica ad un dolore mentale, una protesta di tutto il corpo che esprime, attraverso la malattia, tutto quello che ha di brutto dentro.
Ma si deve reagire, andare avanti, rituffarsi di nuovo nel mondo, nella noia della quotidianità. Si riprende il lavoro, magari di malavoglia, con la testa da un'altra parte, si riprendono le piccole incombenze quotidiane.
Non ho fatto molto, ho trascurato la casa, i miei hobbies, forse anche un po' me stessa.
Ma da domani, di nuovo in pista, sperando di lasciarmi i giorni di pioggia definitivamente alle spalle.
Institute Santa Rufina, Trastevere, Carnival 1972
Santa Maria In Trastevere , Carnival 1971
Yesterday afternoon, in a burst of unexpected energy, I started to do frappe and crackers, a carnival recovered at the last minute (not even I remembered that we are Carnival): I have a bad relationship with the fried cakes, I admit, I never make them. The frappe I have come a bit 'too thick, on the other side without a car to roll out the dough is not exactly easy, but there we eat the same. The
cleats, on the contrary the only time I've done (they had the texture and flavor of even the ping pong balls) did not turn evil after the creative effort, I even had a flash of energy to take pictures, sorry (and this makes you understand what I am going down these days).
satisfied with the recipe, no picture for this time! Thanks to Mary Rose for the recipe, the addition of the ricotta mixture has made them soft, sure to be replicated.
; Institute Santa Rufina, Trastevere, Carnival 1978
Castagnole Maria Rosa
200 grams of flour 100 grams sugar 100 grams of ricotta
2 eggs 1 cup of liquor (I Witch)
grated lemon peel
half a bag of yeast
seed oil
Make the dough into a bowl, with fork, mix sugar, eggs and cheese, liqueur and lemon peel.
Add flour, baking powder, to form a soft dough.
Put a pan on the stove capable to reach the boiling oil.
aid of two spoons, drop nell'olio bollente l'equivalente di mezzo cucchiaino di impasto, non di più sennò vengono troppo grandi.
Farle dorare da ambedue le parti, senza farle troppo colorire troppo ( io ho tenuto il fuoco abbastanza dolce)
Appena scolate, spolverare di zucchero a velo (oppure semolato).
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