Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Beat The Lava Planet On Poptropica

Da oggi il mio ragù

Da piccola storcevo il naso alla pasta con il ragù, odiavo quella con il pomodoro e mangiavo praticamente pasta con il burro... adesso vivrei di pasta con il pomodoro (magari fresco o home made), mangiucchio quella con il ragù e non posso neanche pensare di mangiare quella con il burro... proprio se devo olio evo e parmigiano :)

In realtà non amo molto i ragù che richiedono grandi soffritti e lunghe cotture... per intenderci quelli che ti ballano la samba nello stomaco per un po troppo tempo ecco... ricordo ancora quello di mia nonna... buono si, ma lo si digeriva dopo due giorni :(

Così ho scoperto questo, di carne bianca (pollo nel mio caso but I think it is just as good with turkey or rabbit), with the addition of fennel and many fragrant herbs (with the sage who acts as leader) that make it a delicate dish is suitable, I think, also to be served in a day important as Easter dinner, for example, you say?

P year-old with chicken sauce, fennel and herbs

recipe is for four people
Natural Kitchen - not if that month:)
  • 320gr of penne (I Kamut)
  • 250g of chicken breast
  • 2 medium fennel
  • 1 carrot 1 stalk celery
  • 1 shallot 1 clove garlic
  • 6 sage leaves 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 sprig thyme 1 sprig marjoram 2 bay leaves
  • 1 / 2 cup white wine
  • extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
  • salt, black pepper
Clean the fennel, cut into four pieces and slice the veil with the help of a vegetable peeler. In a saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons oil and cook the vegetables for 5 lively fire 'until they are browned. Turn off the heat add salt and keep aside. Cut the chicken breast into cubes.
Prepare the sauce with chopped carrots, celery, shallots and herbs, all except the bay leaf.
type in a pan, heat 2 tablespoons of wok oil, add the crushed garlic, bay leaves and chopped vegetables. Cook over medium heat for about ten minutes, adding if the fund is too dry, a little boiling water. At this point add the chicken, remove the garlic and bay leaves, salt and cook the meat almost entirely on a high heat, reduce heat, add the fennel drained from any excess oil, add the white wine and let blend. Add the pasta cooked al dente, stir well and serve with a generous freshly ground black pepper and Parmesan cheese.

I would say a perfect dish to participate in the contest Pippi dedicated to herbs! Even if there is time to go give us a peek ...

Very good weekend



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