Friday, March 11, 2011

Dora Backpack Party Favor

Primavera: sulla tavola fiorisce il riso Zangirolami

The Spring is near and with her came the rice fields of Ferrara are prepared for the sowing of this precious seed to be harvested in September and then dried.
result of these operations, which are repeated methodically over time, arrives on our plates a high-quality rice such as the Company Agricultural Zangirolami. The company occupies in Ferrara on 88 acres of which 30% planted to rice in rotation with other cereals.
Making rice with it and the products derived from it is the goal of the company, which produces, processes and manufactures seven types of rice (superfine carnaroli rice, rice carnaroli semi-grain rice Arborio rice semi-dwarf avenue, bold grain rice, rice from, brown rice), flour and dairy products.
Zangirolami at the farm around the rice production process is carefully controlled to provide consumers with the assurance of a quality product certified. The rice is grown, harvested, dried and processed directly on the farm where they also make direct sales.
The various types of rice produced from rice can be made dry, the wave risottos, soups, salads, desserts and whatever else our imagination in the kitchen suggests. Each rice, in fact, characteristics and cooking times precise, making it ideal for different preparations. The varieties of rice semi (such as nano avenue) and up, for example, are well suited to dishes like soups, stews, casseroles, suppli, pies, croquettes.
The company has really thought about every type of need, thanks to the production of flour and semolina gluten-free rice, grinding rice with a stone mill.
the rice flour in the kitchen gives us a really big help: Indeed, we can use not only in the preparation of desserts, but also for bread and for the preparation of batters for frying. Add, then, makes the mixes with other flours soft and crumbly. If we instead just use it mixes with the more substantial meal of rice.

The company also produces brown rice flour, high in fiber suitable for bread, cakes and batters for frying. The bran of rice suitable for polenta, pasta, bread and pizza too certified suitable for gluten-free products such as savory pizza, and crekers beignets.Viene used (sometimes mixed with rice flour) to get a good polenta is also light and very digestible.
The bran of brown rice, however, rich in fiber, can also be used for polenta, pasta, bread and pizza.
The Farm Zangirolami retails rice, flour and dairy products in elegant packaging vacuum, cellophane or cloth bags and packages throughout the year beautiful baskets and gift boxes for every need and occasion.
I recommend you visit the company website ( ) very well cared for, where you can find tasty recipes to try in your rice cookers


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