Monday, March 7, 2011

Dog Dry Flaky Skin Patches

In alta quota

But good Monday! Well the past we? We have been at high altitude 1800m in the highlands of Rocket . A fantastic day with blue skies, sunshine and air mixed between the warm and bubbly that we wanted to say "look at the spring is just around the corner" :)

Luoghi sperduti questi, con pochissima gente che quando raggiunge il top della frequenza si arriva ad una cinquantina di macchine parcheggiate, un unico impianto di risalita per chi vuole sciare, una pista per slitte e bob, due baite e passeggiate nei boschi. Uno dei pochi abitanti del luogo ieri ci ha detto "se così è il Paradiso ci vado volentieri" potrebbe aver ragione...

Questa è la montagna che mi piace di più. Con la neve alta ma la temperatura mite, che ti permette di stare all'aria aperta senza "soffrire" il freddo, riuscendo quasi a toglierti il giubbotto (poi c'era anche chi prendeva il sole a petto nudo... ma li bisogna essere temprati...)

Per cui lunch, sandwiches sitting in the snow, fruit and biscuits. Biscotti they know how these rustic mountain.

I tell you right away if you do not like the taste of buckwheat otherwise forget it a try. The full flavor and strength of this meal can be felt in this recipe is the last book of the sprout (hence no need for big shows:))

Biscotti Buckwheat

for about 30 cookies
  • 180g of flour, buckwheat flour 100g
  • 00
  • 65gr of white sugar 80g brown sugar
  • 125g butter 1 egg
  • code 0 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder 1 pinch of salt
In a large bowl combine the butter with white sugar and 60g of sugar cane. Add egg, flour, yeast and pinch of salt. Stir quickly and the ingredients form a ball, cover with cellophane and put it to rest in a cool place for about an hour. After this time take the dough and knead on a floured surface quickly. Spread a sheet of 5mm thick and cut out the cookies. Transfer to a baking tray lined with baking paper apart, sprinkle with the remaining 20g of sugar cane and bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. Let them cool on a wire rack before eating. Will keep for days if sealed in a tin box.

I might want something more?

With Love ♥

very good week



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